Saturday, July 30, 2005

IFC - Ancaman Islam di Malaysia


1. Apakah Interfaith Commision (IFC)?
IFC yang nama asalnya ialah IRC ? Inter Religous Council (IRC) adalah
sebuah suruhanjaya yang dicadangkan penubuhannya seperti sebuah badan
berkanun yang mempunyai kuasa undang-undang yang boleh mengubah ajaran
sesetengah agama (baca: agama Islam) akibat desakan penganut agama lain.
Badan ini berfungsi mirip sebuah mahkamah dan segala keputusannya adalah
muktamad ke atas agama yang bersabit. IFC juga juga akan berfungsi seperti
SUHAKAM yang menerima dan melayan aduan-aduan berkaitan dengan agama.

2. Siapakah yang mencadangkan penubuhan IFC?
IFC digagaskan penubuhannya oleh Malaysian Consultative Council Of
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism dan Sikhism (MCCBCHS) atau pun Majlis
Perundingan Malaysia Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh melalui
memorandumnya kepada Majlis Peguam bertarikh 21 Ogos, 2001. Presiden
MCCBCHS ialah V. Harcharan Singh.

3. Siapakah yang paling bersemangat sekali menyokong penubuhan IFC?
Majlis Peguam terutamanya Jawatankuasa Kecil Hak Asasi Manusia amat kuat
menyokong penubuhan IFC dan amat berharap ia akan berjaya. Kronologinya
seperti berikut:

? Pada 8 Ogos, 2001, Majlis Peguam telah menerima satu memorandum
daripada MCCBCHS mengenai perkara ini dan selepas itu ide penubuhan IRC
berjalan dengan lancar.
? Pada 10 Disember, 2001, Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum mengenai
'Kebebasan Beragama' dan menerbitkan jurnal khas bernama INSAF.
? Pada 8 Disember, 2001 satu perayaan 'Festival of Rights' diadakan
dengan tema 'Kebebasan Beragama'.
? Pada 17 Mac, 2003 bengkel untuk menimbang keperluan wujudnya IRC
diadakan. Bengkel ini gagal apabila kesemua NGO Islam menarik diri
daripada terlibat dengan penubuhan suruhanjaya ini iaitu ABIM, ACCIN4 ,
JUST dan Sisters In Islam5 termasuk Dr Chandra Muzaffar yang menjadi
antara orang awal yang mencadangkan dialog antara kepercayaan. Bagaimana
pun Sisters In Islam kemudian menyertai semula dan menyokong penubuhan
suruhanjaya ini.
? Pada pertengahan tahun 2004, satu persidangan mengenai penubuhan IRC
diadakan. Bagi menunjukkan wujudnya sokongan, penganjur seminar telah
melantik kesemua ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Syariah Majlis Peguam sebagai
ahli jawatankuasa penganjur tanpa pengetahuan mereka.
? Mengemukakan draf ketiga undang-undang penubuhan IFC bertarikh Januari
2005 kepada persidangan cadangan penubuhan IFC.

4. Apakah matlamat penubuhan IFC?
Matlamat IFC ialah untuk meminda beberapa ajaran asas Islam yang bakal
merugikan orang Islam dan berpihak kepada kepentingan orang-orang bukan

5. Apakah tuntutan orang-orang bukan Islam yang dibuat melalui IFC?

1. Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan oleh ibubapa Islam tidak seharusnya
secara terus menjadi orang Islam.
2. Orang-orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk agama Islam hendaklah
diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali kepada agama asal mereka (murtad) dan
tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
3. Sebarang kes pertukaran agama orang Islam kepada bukan Islam tidak
sepatutnya dikendalikan oleh mahkamah syariah tetapi dikendalikan oleh
mahkamah sivil.
4. Tidak perlu dicatatkan di dalam kad pengenalan seseorang Muslim
bahawa ia beragama Islam.
5. Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiran! ya
ingin berkahwin dengan orang Islam. Orang Islam hendaklah dibenarkan
keluar daripada Islam (murtad) sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang
bukan Islam tanpa boleh dikenakan apa-apa tindakan undang-undang.
6. Seseorang atau pasangan suami isteri yang menukar agamanya dengan
memeluk Islam tidak patut diberikan hak jagaan anak.
7. Orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan
dengan seorang yang memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan hak menuntut harta
pesakanya selepas kematiannya.
8. Kerajaan hendaklah menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk membina dan
menyelenggara rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam sebagaimana kerajaan
menyediakan dana yang serupa untuk masjid. Kerajaan juga perlu
membenarkan pembinaan rumah-ruma! h ibadat orang bukan Islam tanpa perlu
adanya peraturan-peraturan tertentu.
9. Orang-orang bukan Islam hendaklah dibenarkan dan tidak boleh dihalang
daripada menggunakan perkataan-perkataan suci Islam dalam percakapan dan
10. Bibel dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sepatutnya
dibenarkan untuk diedarkan kepada umum secara terbuka.
11. Pelajaran agama bukan Islam untuk penganut agama itu hendaklah
diajar di semua sekolah.
12. Program-program berunsur Islam dalam bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum
hendaklah ditiadakan. Program dakwah agama lain selain Islam pula
hendaklah dibenarkan untuk disiarkan dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.!
13. Orang-orang Islam yang membayar zakat tidak sepatutnya dikecualikan
daripada membayar cukai pendapatan dan wang hasil zakat sepatutnya
digunakan juga untuk keperluan orang-orang bukan Islam.
14. Sepatutnya Islam tidak disebut sebagai pilihan pertama masyarakat
Malaysia seperti dalam soal pakaian menutup aurat kepada pelajar

5. Apakah bahayanya penubuhan IFC terhadap Islam?
Berdasarkan draf undang-undang penubuhan IFC, suruhanjaya ini jika
ditubuhkan amat berbahaya kepada Islam dari sudut:

1. Membuka ruang seluas-luasnya untuk orang bukan Islam mencampuri hal
ehwal agama Islam.
IFC jelas sebuah suruhanjaya anti Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan orang
bukan Islam dalam hal ehwal agama Islam. Hak perlembagaan bagi mengamalkan
agama sendiri (Artikel 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan ? Freedom of religion
(Kebebasan beragama) tidak berlanjutan kepada mempersoalkan agama lain dan
tidak sampai menuntut ajaran agama orang lain dipinda semata-mata untuk
disesuaikan dengan kepentingan sendiri. Orang-or! ang bukan Islam berhak
untuk menuntut hak mereka mengamalkan agama sendiri tetapi tidak sampai
mempersoalkan dan campurtangan urusan agama Islam. Campurtangan ini amat
bahaya. Perkara yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam hendaklah diselesaikan
oleh mereka yang berkelayakan di dalam Islam sendiri. 7

2. Menjadikan undang-undang Allah mesti tunduk kepada norma-norma
antarabangsa yang dicipta oleh manusia yang menjejaskan aqidah.

Norma-norma antarabangsa tersebut ialah:

? Deklarasi Hak Asasi Sejagat 1948
? Konvensyen untuk menghapuskan semua jenis diskriminasi terhadap wanita
(disahkan oleh Malaysia pada 5 Julai 1995)
? Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak.
? Deklarasi untuk menghapuskan semua bentuk ketidaktoleransi dan
diskriminasi berasaskan agama.
? Deklarasi mengenai hak-hak orang untuk mempunyai kewargaan, sukukaum,
agama dan bahasa minoriti.
? Deklarasi Vienna dan plan tindakan.

Kesemua norma antarabangsa tersebut belum disahkan oleh Malaysia kecuali
yang dinyatakan sebaliknya. IFC menuntut supaya agama mestilah mengikut
ketentuan norma antarabangsa di atas. Norma antarabangsa tersebut tidak
membezakan antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam. Bagi orang Islam, peraturan
untuk kehidupan mereka bukan lagi Islam tetapi norma-norma antarabangsa
tersebut yang dicipta oleh manusia. Apa sahaja ajaran Islam yang
bertentangan dengan norma antarabangsa hendaklah dihapuskan. Ini bermaksud,
Allah mesti tunduk kepada norma antarabangsa. Ini menjejaskan aqidah
seorang Muslim.

3. Orang Islam bebas melakukan apa sahaja
Manusia adalah bebas. Begitu juga orang Islam adalah bebas. Mereka bebas
melakukan apa sahaja termasuk mengamalkan ajaran agama lain tetapi masih
boleh mengaku sebagai seorang Muslim atas nama kebebasan beragama.
Kebebasan agama ini dijamin oleh norma antarabangsa di atas.

4. Orang Islam bebas untuk murtad
Deklarasi sejagat mengenai hak asasi manusia menyatakan 'setiap orang
mempunyai hak untuk bebas berfikir, suara hati dan agama. Ini termasuk
kebebasan menukar agama....(artikel 18)'. Ini bermaksud status sebagai
seorang Muslim bukan ditentukan oleh Tuhan tetapi ditentukan oleh manusia.
Berdasarkan norma antarabangsa, Islam tidak berhak menghalang penganutnya
keluar daripada Islam kerana itu dibenarkan oleh norma antarabangsa.

5. IFC berhak menentukan status agama seseorang.
Seseorang yang ingin murtad boleh mengemukakan permohonannya kepada IFC.
Permohonannya akan ditentukan oleh ahli-ahli IFC yang diantaranya adalah
bukan Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan yang amat nyata dalam hal ehwal agama
Islam. Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak berhak menolak permohonan seseorang
untuk menukar nama daripada nama Islam kepada bukan Islam dengan alasan
suatu percubaan untuk murtad. Jika permohonan ditolak ini menjejaskan
keharmonian dan kebebasan beragama. Perkara ini terkandung di dalam seksyen

19(3) draf undang-undang IFC.

6. Apakah sikap PM dan menteri?
Menurut kenyataan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, penubuhan IFC cuma
ditangguhkan. Penubuhannya tidak pernah dihalang. Jawatankuasa Kaukus
Parlimen Berkenaan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui pengerusinya, Dato' Sri
Mohamed Nazri Aziz yang juga Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri sepakat
bersama 50 NGO menolak penggunaan undang-undang dalam menjaga moral
individu. Ini kerana moral adalah hak peribadi individu dan kewujudan
undang-undang untuk mengawalnya dikira melanggar hak asasi manusia.
Kenyataan ini bermaksud, peraturan dan undang-undang Islam tidak boleh
digunakan untuk mengawal akhlak orang Islam atau dengan kata lain, Al-Quran
dan hadis tidak terpakai dalam kehidupan individu. Orang Islam bebas
melakukan apa sahaja atas tiket "hak asasi manusia". Kenyataan ini
nampaknya selari dengan tuntutan IFC.

7. Apakah kaitan IFC dengan Islam Hadhari?
Islam Hadhari menekankan kemajuan kebendaan dan mengenepikan pembinaan
manusiawi. Persoalan moral bukan keutamaan. Apa sahaja perlu dilakukan demi
kemajuan kebendaan. Penganjuran konsert, pengabaian terhadap pelaku rasuah,
membiarkan pencerobohan terhadap kesucian agama, tidak konsisten dengan
amalan Islam, anti sekolah agama dan tiada pembelaan terhadap mereka yang
berusaha menegakkan agama membuktikan semua itu. Islam dikesampingkan. Kita
tahu ramai menteri Umno yang beragama Islam menyokong kuat penubuhan IFC.
Sikap sebegini menjadikan mereka yang anti Islam lebih berani melakukan
tindakan pencerobohan terhadap Islam. Islam Hadhari yang membuka pintu
kepada tertubuhnya IFC.

8. Apakah sikap kita?
Menentang sekeras-kerasnya penubuhan IFC dan mengutuk sikap Umno yang
bersekongkol dengannya . Kita sanggup mati demi agama kita. Penubuhannya
bukan sekadar perlu ditangguhkan, tetapi jangan sama sekali dibenarkan.
Semua saluran perlu digunakan untuk menghalang penubuhan IFC.

Kita Mesti Mati dalam Islam.


Pada 7hb Julai 2005, dunia dikejutkan dengan satu lagi tragedi serangan bom. Kali ini, giliran kota London pula mengalaminya. Sebuah bas dan tiga stesen tren bawah tanah menjadi sasaran. Ketika makalah ini ditulis, seramai 50 orang telah dilaporkan terkorban manakala 700 orang yang lain cedera. Sehingga kini pihak berkuasa Britain masih belum dapat mengesahkan siapakah yang menjadi dalang disebalik pengeboman tersebut. Meskipun begitu, kebanyakkan pemimpin barat dan media massa telah pun membuat anggapan awal dengan mengatakan bahawa kumpulan pengganas Islamlah yang melakukannya.Berikutan serangan bom ke atas kota London, pihak berkuasa di sesetengah negara mula melancarkan operasi keselamatan seperti menambah bilangan anggota bersenjata yang bertugas di tempat-tempat strategik dan ada juga yang mula melakukan soal-siasat serta penangkapan. AFP melaporkan bahawa kerajaan Itali menerusi kementerian dalam negerinya telah menahan 142 orang pendatang yang mana setengah daripadanya merupakan pendatang tanpa izin di dalam satu operasi keselamatan besar-besaran selama dua hari di kawasan utara wilayah Lombardy, Milan. Di dalam operasi selama 48 jam tersebut, mereka telah menyoal siasat lebih 7000 orang termasuklah 800 orang pendatang dan rakyat asing. Bernama pula melaporkan bahawa kerajaan Singapura akan menubuhkan satu unit khas di dalam pasukan polis untuk mengawasi semua operasi stesen bawah tanahnya. Ini dilakukan sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga rentetan daripada peristiwa serangan bom di kota London minggu lepas.Bersiap-siaga terhadap kemungkinan diserang di kalangan negara-negara dunia lain berikutan serangan bom kota London merupakan tindakan yang wajar. Pihak berkuasa tempatan juga berhak untuk melakukan apa yang perlu demi menjaga keselamatan penduduk awam yang lain. Akan tetapi, perbuatan mengambil kesempatan rentetan kejadian serangan bom di London tempoh hari dengan melancarkan propaganda baru ke atas umat Islam merupakan tindakan yang tidak dapat diterima oleh umat Islam. Dalam menghadapi serangan propaganda yang bertubi-tubi ini, apakah yang sewajarnya dilakukan oleh umat Islam?

CNN melaporkan bahawa Perdana Menteri Britain, Tony Blair dengan nada yakin melaungkan bahawa serangan bom ke atas penduduk kota London yang mengorbankan 50 orang itu adalah sebagai serangan keganasan terhadap penduduk dunia. Kerana itu, beliau mengajak agar seluruh penduduk dunia menentang anasir-anasir pengganas ini. Mungkin Blair terlupa statistik korban umat Islam di Iraq, yang disediakan oleh Iraq Body Count yang menjelaskan kepada kita bahawa korban masyarakat awam di Iraq adalah dianggarkan sebanyak 22,787 - 25,814 orang. Jadi siapakah Pengganas sebenarnya? Blair mengajak rakyat Britain dan dunia amnya agar bersama-sama menentang keganasan yang dikatakannya sebagai sesuatu yang mengakar (deep rooted) di dalam dunia Islam. Tanggapan ini didasarkan kepada ketidakstabilan politik yang sedang melanda dunia Islam hari ini. Oleh itu tidak hairanlah walaupun belum selesai penyiasatan, kumpulan Al-Qaeda telah dipersalahkan atas kejadian tersebut.Tony Blair di dalam kenyataan rasminya menyatakan bahawa pengeboman yang berlaku di London ini adalah perbuatan puak pengganas Islam. Media-media Britain pula melaporkan sebuah laman web yang menurut mereka ditaja oleh "Pertubuhan Rahsia Al Qaeda Eropah" telah Mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi mengaku melakukan siri serangan bom di kota London tempoh hari. Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat kesilapan di dalam kenyataan tersebut yang menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa laman web tersebut bukanlah ditaja oleh kumpulan al-Qaeda. Terdapat dua sebab mengapa dikatakan laman tersebut bukan ditaja oleh kumpulan Al Qaeda: Pertama: Biasanya, semua kenyataan-kenyataan rasmi Al-Qaeda akan dihantar terlebih dahulu kepada wartawan Arab dan bukannya dari BBC atau Reuters. Kenyataan ini mula ditimbulkan di dalam media massa arus perdana dan selepas itu baru dikutip oleh media Arab dan ini amat bercanggah dengan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh al-Qaeda sebelum ini. Realiti ini sahaja sudah cukup untuk meragukan kesahihannya. Kedua: Bahasa Arab yang digunakan di dalam kenyataan rasmi dan laman web tersebut terdapat banyak kesalahan nahu. Tetapi, kesalahan yang paling utama ialah kecacatan didalam memetik dalil daripada ayat-ayat Al Quran. Padahal, bagi para pejuang Mujahidin yang hidup dan mati mereka semata-mata kerana hendak meninggikan kalimat Allah SWT, kesilapan di dalam menulis dan membaca ayat-ayat suci Al Quran sudah dianggap kesilapan yang besar. Mungkin dalam masa terdekat, Al-Qaeda akan dipersalahkan melakukan serangan tersebut tetapi mereka tidak boleh mengaitkannya dengan hanya menyebarkan dakwaan-dakwaan palsu yang tersebar luas ketika ini. Walau apa jua hasil siasatannya nanti, meskipun terdapat keraguan di dalam tohmahan tersebut, Britain akan terus menuduh puak pengganas Islam yang melakukannya. Mereka akan terus melancarkan kempen membenci komuniti Islam di seluruh dunia. Laungan hapuskan teroris Islam akan terus berkumandang dan kempen ini akan terus berlaku secara berterusan sehinggalah hasrat mereka tercapai.

Propaganda yang dilancarkan oleh kaum kuffar mestilah ditentang berdasarkan perspektif Islam. Aqidah Islam telah mengangkat martabat umat Islam ke taraf yang cukup tinggi. Cara berfikir Islam berbeza dengan cara berfikir kaum kuffar. Umat Islam tidak seharusnya terperangkap dengan permainan propaganda yang dilancarkan oleh kaum kuffar. Pertentangan di antara pemikiran Islam dan idea-idea kuffar telah berlaku sejak Rasulullah SAW menerima wahyunya yang pertama. Pertentangan ini akan terus berlangsung sehingga kalimat Allah SWT tertegak seluruhnya di muka bumi ini. Apakah pula alasan kita untuk menafikan pertentangan tersebut?. Firman Allah SWT :*"Dialah Tuhan yang mengutus RasulNya dengan membawa petunjuk dan agama yang benar untuk dimenangkan atas seluruh agama yang ada, meskipun orang-orang musyrik membencinya" [TMQ Ash Shaff (61) : 9]* Pada akhir bulan Rejab tahun kedua hijrah, iaitu setelah berlakunya perang Safawan atau lebih dikenali sebagai perang badar pertama, berlaku pula suatu peristiwa yang mencetuskan konflik di antara kaum kuffar di Mekah dan kaum muslimin di Madinah. peristiwa tersebut berkisar tentang pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh sariyah yang diketuai oleh Abdullah bin Jahsy. Sariyah adalah sebuah pasukan bersenjata kecil yang terdiri daripada 9-10 orang. Sariyah ini telah diutus oleh Rasulullah SAW untuk melakukan pengintipan ke atas pergerakan pasukan kaum Quraisy. Dengan takdir Allah SWT, berlaku kejadian yang tidak diingini ketika mereka didalam perjalanan yang mana dua daripada anggota sariyah telah hilang kerana keluar mencari unta mereka yang tersesat. Sariyah tiba-tiba bertembung dengan kafilah dagang Quraisy yang dipimpin oleh Amru bin al-Hadhramiy. Selain Amru al Hadhramiy, kafilah tersebut turut disertai oleh Utsman bin Abdullah, al Hakam bin Kaisan dan Naufal bin Abdullah. Sariyah pimpinan Abdullah bin Jahsy bermusyawarah untuk menentukan langkah mereka yang seterusnya. Mereka memikirkan samada hendak pulang atau menyerang kafilah tersebut. Jika pulang, kafilah itu akan terlepas begitu sahaja dan bagaimana pula nasib dua rakan mereka yang hilang itu? Setelah agak lama bermusyawarah, mereka mengambil keputusan untuk menyerang kafilah kaum kafir Quraisy tersebut. Akhirnya, Amru bin al-Hadhramiy mati terbunuh, dua daripada anggotanya ditawan iaitu Utsman bin Abdullah dan al Hakam bin Kaisan manakala Naufal bin Abdullah berjaya melarikan diri. Setelah kepulangan sariyah pimpinan Abdullah bin Jahsy tiba di kota Madinah, mereka segera menemui Rasulullah SAW.Baginda lalu bersabda : *"Aku tidak memerintahkan kalian membunuh mereka pada bulan haram"*. Lalu Rasulullah SAW membiarkan dua tawanan dan harta rampasan tanpa mengambil apa-apa keputusan. [Ibnu Hisyam, Sirah Nabi Jilid 1] Pada masa yang sama, pihak kaum kafir Quraisy menjadikan peristiwa ini sebagai alat untuk melancarkan propaganda terhadap kaum muslimin di Madinah. Orang-orang Quraisy berkata: "Muhammad dan sahabat-sahabatnya telah menghalalkan bulan haram, menumpahkan darah di bulan haram, merampas harta di bulan haram, dan menawan orang-orang di bulan haram." Segelintir kaum muslimin yang menetap di dalam kota Mekah menangkis tuduhan tersebut dengan mengatakan bahawa mereka melakukannya pada awal bulan Sya'ban. Keadaan menjadi semakin genting apabila kaum Yahudi turut serta mencela apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Abdullah bin Jahsy. Pada masa yang sama Rasulullah SAW tetap berdiam diri dan kaum muslimin pula terus merasa resah akibat tuduhan dan celaan yang tidak berpenghujung. Sehinggalah tidak berapa lama selepas itu, Allah SWT menurunkan wahyu :*"Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang berperang pada bulan Haram. Katakanlah: 'Berperang pada bulan itu adalah dilarang tetapi menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah, kafir kepada Allah, (menghalangi masuk) Masjidil Haram dan mengusir penduduk dari sekitarnya, adalah lebih buruk (dosanya) di sisi Allah. Dan berbuat fitnah lebih besar (dosanya) daripada membunuh. Mereka tidak henti-henti memerangi kamu sampai mereka (dapat) mengembalikan kamu dari agamamu ( kepada kekafiran) seandainya mereka sanggup." [TMQ Al Baqarah (2) : 217]*Ketika ayat ini diturunkan, kaum muslimin menyambutnya dengan gembira dan berasa lapang dada. Nabi SAW segera mengambil harta rampasan itu dan dua tawanannya. Ayat di atas dengan jelas mengandungi jawapan yang mematikan berbagai propaganda yang dilancarkan oleh orang-orang Quraisy. [Ibnu Hisyam, Sirah Nabi Jilid 1]

Situasi yang dihadapi oleh umat Islam pada hari ini tidak jauh berbeza. Dengan ucapan-ucapan penuh retorik, para pemimpin G8 yang bersidang di Gleneagles dengan segera mengambil kesempatan atas kejadian di kota London itu untuk menguatkan lagi usaha menentang keganasan. Pihak media pula membuat spekulasi awal iaitu tentang laman web "Pertubuhan Rahsia Al Qaeda Eropah" dan pengebom berani mati. Semuanya samada sedar atau tidak telah melahir dan memperhebatkan lagi syak wasangka ke atas komuniti kaum muslimin.Pada masa inilah, iaitu ketika komuniti muslimin sedang dituduh, diserang dari pelbagai penjuru dan berhadapan dengan pelbagai persoalan, kita seharusnya bertanya kepada diri kita, apakah yang sewajarnya kita lakukan untuk mengatasi semua ini. Ini sebenarnya adalah suatu bentuk ujian dari Allah SWT. Kita akan dipersoal tentang sikap kita dalam menghadapi apa yang berlaku.*"Dan sesungguhnya kami benar-benar akan menguji kamu sehingga kami mengetahui siapakah yang bermujahadah dan yang bersabar di antara kamu, dan kami akan menyatakan hal ehwalmu" ( siapakah yang berdusta, dan siapakah yang benar) [TMQ Muhammad (47): 31]* Allah telah mengangkat umat Islam untuk memikul dakwah Islam dan terus menyatakan yang hak walaupun berhadapan dengan berbagai provokasi dan ujian.. Sesungguhnya menyatakan kebenaran tentang segenap aspek penjajahan ke atas dunia kaum muslimin, pembunuhan dan maruah yang dirampas oleh kuasa-kuasa barat merupakan kewajipan yang paling tinggi dan agung. Peristiwa yang berlaku di kota London sudah tentu akan digunakan oleh kuasa-kuasa barat ini untuk menutup mulut kaum muslimin dan meletakkan kaum muslimin terus menerus di dalam keadaan yang defensif dan menyerah kalah dalam menyuarakan kebenaran. Memang benar, hukum di dalam Islam tidak membenarkan pembunuhan jiwa orang-orang awam, tetapi pada masa yang sama, Islam tidak membenarkan kaum muslimin dicemuh dan terus diperlecehkan tanpa bukti yang kukuh atau lemah.Sebenarnya, spekulasi yang diada-adakan itu hanyalah untuk melahirkan ketakutan di dalam jiwa kaum muslimin agar mereka mengubah pendirian mereka terhadap hegemoni barat. Sekiranya kaum muslimin tetap berpegang kepada Islam dan tetap mengatakan yang hak, ia akan dijadikan pula alasan untuk menahan dan memasukkan mereka ke dalam penjara.*"Tidak ada sebab mengapa kami tidak bertawakkal kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Dialah yang telah menunjukkan jalan kepada kami, dan kami benar-benar akan bersabar terhadap gangguan-gangguan yang kamu lakukan kepada kami. Dan hanya kepada Allah sahaja orang-orang yang bertawakkal itu berserah diri" [TMQ Al Ibrahim (14) : 12]*

Penentangan ke atas kaum kuffar ini tidak akan memberi kesan sekiranya kaum muslimin kembali bersatu di bawah satu entiti politik; entiti politik yang mempunyai kuasa politik untuk melawan arus propaganda yang dilancarkan oleh kaum kuffar. Agar ianya dapat menjadi kenyataan, kita mestilah berganding bahu, berusaha dan bertawakal kepada Allah SWT supaya dapat memberikan kemenangan yang dekat kepada kita dengan tertegaknya Khilafah Islamiyyah. Inilah entiti politik yang dapat menyatukan umat Islam serta menjadi perisai bagi melindungi kaum muslimin daripada cengkaman politik dan ekonomi kuasa-kuasa barat. Khilafah Islamiyyah ini, dengan izin Allah, akan muncul semula menjadi kuasa dunia, membawa cahaya menerangi kegelapan yang sedang menyelubungi dunia kaum muslimin ketika ini.*"Kebenaran (Islam) itu dari Tuhanmu, maka janganlah sekali-kali kamu menjadi orang yang ragu" [TMQ Al-Baqarah (2) : 147]*Wahai kaum muslimin, tetap teguhlah kalian dengan Islam, nescaya Allah akan menjulang semula maruah kalian !Wallahua'lam.

sumber: *

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Keupayaan Perisikan Negara China


China’s top leadership in 1992 ordered its intelligence force to increased espionage and counterespionage efforts, apparently targeting the United States for economic, science and technology information which could directly help build China’s economy…[i]

“Every once in awhile, theirs is an espionage coup in which (they) will obtain something from inside the U.S.”
- Congressman Chris Cox [ii]

In June, a warning from Britain’s National Infrastructure Security Coordination Center claimed a series of Trojan – laden emails were targeting UK government and companies in a attempt to swipe information. The Advisory from NISCC indicated the attacks were generated in the Far East (China).[iii]

“I believe firmly that the China is using tools like Myfip to conduct industrial espionage on the US and other industrial countries that have mature data networks.”
- Marcus Sachs, SRI International [iv]

Cyberspace is becoming a new battleground for the United States and China, amid growing concerns about Chinese industrial espionage through various types of computer worms… at least one Trojan horse program used to steal files from infected computers has been traced to servers in China…[v]

Taiwan’s military intelligence chief said … Chinese communications satellite launched earlier in the day “poses no immediate threat” to national security. [vi]

Ho Lee was indicted for allegedly transferring data on the nation’s newest nuclear weapons to unsecured computers. The physicist, who has pleaded not guilty, is accused of being a spy for China. [vii]

pihak China juga giat menjalankan operasi pengintipannya ke atas AS. Salah seorang perisiknya yang dikenalpasti ialah John Huang, berjawatan tinggi di Jabatan Perdagangan AS. [viii]

tiga juruteknik yang berkhidmat di CIST Institute milik tentera Taiwan didapati bersalah kerana merisik bagi pihak China. [ix]

Cox Commission uncovered a much broader espionage campaign. The commission’s report concludes that China has mounted widespread effort to obtain US technology by any means—legal or illegal. Chinese spies working in US nuclear weapon laboratories have obtained information on all current US nuclear missile warheads, neutron bomb, and advanced military technology like radio – frequency weapons and radar satellites. China also has obtained information to improved its missile force from US satellite manufacturers and systematically tries to obtain military useful technology from civilian business ventures – involving more than 3,000 front companies inside the United States…[x]
The Communist Party Central Committee controls the main Ministry of State Security (MSS), a Ministry of Public Security, the People’s Liberation Army’s Central Security Regiment (8341 Unit), a Second Military Department (military intelligence), and a Third Military Department (counterintelligence). The Chinese News Agency (Xinhua) is an intelligence agency, and so is the China Association for International Friendly Contacts. [xi]

According to (Taiwan) National Security Council (NSC) official, …an increasing number of Chinese spies … have entered Taiwan to develop their organizations and activities on the island… [xii]

Australian has granted a permanent protection visa to former Chinese diplomat (Chen Yonglin) who sought asylum with claim that China has vast network of spies in Australia. [xiii]

End Note
[i] China’s leaders ordered stepped – up espionage in 1992. Asian Political News. May 31, 1999
[ii] Ibid
[iii] Utter, David. Espionage Not Just for Spies Anymore. Webpronews. 25 July 2005. 27 July 2005
[iv] Ibid
[v] Experts warn of Chinese cyberattack used for industrial secrets. Yahoo News. 24 July 2005.
[vi] Taiwan spy chief says China satellite launch no threat. Asians Political News. Jan 31, 2000.
[vii] Vilar, Miguel. Spy Tech. Science World. March 20, 2000. Aso, see; Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 3) July 20, 2005.
[viii] Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 2). July 18, 2005.
[ix] Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 3). July 20, 2005.
[x] Fisher, Jr., Richard D. Time to heed the Cox Commission’s Wake – Up Call. The Heritages Foundation. June 3, 1999.
[xi] Intelligence Collection. Internet source.
[xii] Wang, Flor. Coordination Needs to Crack Down on Chinese Spies: Official. ROC Central News Agency. July 23, 2005.
[xiii] Mercer, Phil. Australian Grants Protection Visa to Chinese Diplomat. Voice of America. July 8, 2005.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

How to Detect Lies

Become a Lie Detector--------------------------------

Introduction to Detecting Lies:
The following techniques to telling if someone is lying are often used by police, and security experts. This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions.
Warning: Sometimes Ignorance is bliss; after gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you.

Signs of Deception:

Body Language of Lies:
• Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space.
• A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.
• Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. Not likely to touch his chest/heart with an open hand.

Emotional Gestures & Contradiction
• Timing and duration of emotional gestures and emotions are off a normal pace. The display of emotion is delayed, stays longer it would naturally, then stops suddenly.
• Timing is off between emotions gestures/expressions and words. Example: Someone says "I love it!" when receiving a gift, and then smile after making that statement, rather then at the same time the statement is made.
• Gestures/expressions don’t match the verbal statement, such as frowning when saying “I love you.”
• Expressions are limited to mouth movements when someone is faking emotions (like happy, surprised, sad, awe, )instead of the whole face. For example; when someone smiles naturally their whole face is involved: jaw/cheek movement, eyes and forehead push down, etc.

Interactions and Reactions
• A guilty person gets defensive. An innocent person will often go on the offensive.
• A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away.
• A liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you.

Verbal Context and Content
• A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.”
•A statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “ I didn't do it” instead of “I did not do it”
• Liars sometimes avoid "lying" by not making direct statements. They imply answers instead of denying something directly.
• The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation.• A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone. When a truthful statement is made the pronoun is emphasized as much or more than the rest of the words in a statement.
• Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntax and grammar may be off. In otherwords, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized.

Other signs of a lie:
• If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject.
• Using humor or sarcasm to avoid a subject.

Final Notes:
Obviously, just because someone exhibits one or more of these signs does not make them a liar. The above behaviors should be compared to a persons base (normal) behavior whenever possible.

“Those who will lie for you will lie against you”
- Bosnian Saying

Watch and listen carefully, when someone is accused of something and they are innocent, usually they will resent the accusations and want to explore the topic further. When the conversation changes direction is the person glad the subject has changed instead of wanting to know where this fantasy came from. The guilty want the subject changed. Failure to deny or explain when an explanation would be expected is not a good sign. Short answers that lack the normal amount of detail should make you ask why. Long answers, beyond what is normal are often used to distract and deflect.While being accused (especially off guard) the lair will often remain expressionless instead of a look that would yell or express, WHAT? The liar is more concerned with how they are going to respond. They often will sit like they are before the principal and think of a responseLook for posture, confident people tend to stand and sit straighter with shoulders back, while more insecure people tend to hunch over and put their hands in their pockets. Be sure that the more insecure someone is the more they are prone to lying.The person who is being deceitful will have little or no physical contact with the person they are lying to. This is an excellent and quite reliable indicator of a deceitful person. The liar will rarely touch the other person. They are unconsciously reducing the level of intimacy to help alleviate guilt.They may go as far as putting an object, like a coffee cup or salt shaker in between themselves and you. A barrier of sorts. They often will avoid eye contact, and lean toward an exit or a wall as an instinctive urge to avoid the situation that endangers their cover. They often will turn their head or shield their eyes with their hands.“A person speaking the truth is not concerned about whether you misunderstand them; they are always willing to clarify. The liar wants to be sure you understand their point immediately so that he can change the subject and no further questions will be asked. When the evidence is fragile, the words they use often become bold and solid to compensate. Skilled interviewers and interrogators know the following rule concerning contradictions. When a suspect uses a contradiction ”It wasn't me” instead of “It was not me” statistically speaking, there is a 60 percent chance he or she's being truthful. Sometimes the Guilty, in an attempt to sound emphatic, don't want to use a contraction in their statement of innocence; they want to emphasize the not (remember OJ)
It is always important to look for trends not just specifics. Don't become to judgemental without observing patterns.If it sounds too good to be true or if someone says they never lie, they are usually among the worst of the liars. There are two kinds of people in the world, liars and hypocrites and it's the hypocrites who will deceive you more often. Everybody lies occasionally. When trying to gauge a persons honesty, propose a solution that you know is too difficult to attain. If they tell you this is difficult or not doable they are confidant enough to be honest, if they agree to do the impossible and never even acknowledge the task as hard, you can assume they will lie to achieve their ends.

Signs of deceit
The best way we found to detect a liar when all is said and done according to our research is to find someone who has a natural gift of perception. If they have been trained on how to use that gift all the better. These people are fairly rare. In tests one group of people (one profession) far surpassed all others. Can you guess which profession? The answer is at the bottom of the list below.

Below are a list of traits and signs accumulated from a wide variety of sources.

. Liars tend to move their arms, hands, and fingers less and blink less than people telling the truth do, and liars' voices can become more tense or high-pitched. The extra effort needed to remember what they've already said and to keep their stories consistent may cause liars to restrain their movements and fill their speech with pauses. People shading the truth tend to make fewer speech errors than truth tellers do, and they rarely backtrack to fill in forgotten or incorrect details.

. People who lie tend to avoid details in favor of bold facts. Liars tended to string together very simple actions. They tend to avoid details.

. Sadness is very hard to fake. When someone is genuinely sad, the forehead wrinkles with grief and the inner corners of the eyebrows are pulled up. By contrast, the lowering of the eyebrows associated with an angry scowl can be faked by almost everybody. If someone says they are sad and the inner corners of their eyebrows don't go up, they are likely faking it.

. People who are uncomfortable or lying often repeat the question you ask them.

. When we smile genuinely we move more than just our mouth, the orbicularis oculi, the muscle around the eye that gives us ‘crow's-feet’ also moves. Liars tend to just move their mouths. It takes only two muscles, the zygomaticus major muscles that extend from the cheekbones to the corners of the lips produce a grin.

. Liars may also feel fear and guilt or delight at fooling people. Such emotions can trigger a change in facial expression so brief that most observers never notice. These split-second "microexpressions." are emotional clues are as important as gestures, voice, and speech patterns in uncovering deceitfulness.

. Speech Pattern Changes. Liars may mispronounce words, mumble and take longer pauses between a question and a response than honest people. This happens because the liar is not sure where they’re going with the lie or might be having trouble following through with the lie.

. Looking down while talking may indicate someone is embarrassed or does not know.

. Fidgeting may indicate nervousness due to deception.

. Touching the face while talking may be a sign the person is uncomfortable or deceptive. The higher up on the face the worse the lie.

. Shifty Eyes. A liar often will not look you straight in the eye.

. Changing Pupils. A liars pupils may change in size. This happens because when under stress (e.g. lying), adrenaline is released causing the pupils to dilate. Enlarged pupils can also indicate attraction so don't forget always look for patterns of lying.

. Speech Pattern Changes. Liars may mispronounce words, mumble and take longer pauses between a question and a response than honest people. This happens because the liar may be hesitating before they make up a lie, or they are searing for a suitable lie that fits the occasion.

. Fidgeting. Tapping the fingers, nose scratching,, fake coughs and playing with something in their fingers could all be the signs discomfort and lying.

. Heavy breathing, sweating or tight jaw.

. Looking up while talking may indicate someone is lying.

. People who lie tend not to use pronouns like "I" or "me".

. If questioned enough liars often will not be able to remember the lies they have made up and will attack or leave before they are trapped.

. Liars are afraid of getting caught and they might feel guilty so they may express anger or storm around as a show to hide their anxiety. That way the anger or anxiety they show has reasonable explanation, besides the real one, which is - they are lying.

Answer to what profession is best at detecting liars:
Secret Service Agents

Signs of defensiveness

. Crossing arms, legs and or ankles

. Hands on hips

. Avoiding eye contact

. Closing mouth tightly, clenching teeth or jaw

. Refusing to talk

. Avoiding the situation, leaving the uncomfortable situation

The Truth Is....
Things don't have to be complicated.
The truth really does work.
The truth is not an excuse to be callous and mean
The truth lets us grow to become better than we are.
If no one is honest with us, we cannot see what to work on.
We aren't all smart, tall, pretty, or successful.That's the truth.
Lying won't make anyone smart, tall, pretty, or successful.
That's also the truth.
That also is OK,
the truth is we need to be ourselves
and find what our true calling is.
That is happiness

How to Spot a LiarPowerful, professional videos that teach you step by step how to learn hypnosis, hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis.
What are the clues?Your quick guide to spot a liar! If a person touches his nose, or covers his mouth, is he lying? In some cases yes, this can be an indicator. It is all about calibration.What is calibration?When looking for a lie, you need to know what a person does when they are telling the truth. If a person uses their hands when they talk, or their eyes dart around when they are having a comfortable conversation, you can calibrate their mannerisms, voice, tempo and eyes for honesty. Notice their normal mannerisms when you know they are answering the easy questions and telling the truth. This is the most critical part.
When you suspect that someone is lying, you will compare their dishonest response to the way they respond when telling the truth.
Hands, head position, voice level, eye positions, shoulders, everything will be a signal when you know what to look for.
You need to make note of the differences in behavior that shows that an internal conflict is happening. When there is a conflict, the brain does not respond normally. It creates signals that make it impossible for the person to keep the same mannerisms, voice tone, head position, all in a congruent state as the lie is told.
Typical body language that reveals an internal conflict:
Hands over mouthHand to noseHand to earHands or fingers moving, wringing, tappingHead tilt to sideHead turned awayBody moving backwardsBlink rate increasesPupils contractEyes go down to left or rightEyelids stay closed during the answerVoice tone risesClearing the throatDo these things mean a person is lying? Not necessarily. It depends on the calibration. Remember you are looking for the differences- the thing that the body does because there is an internal conflict that causes involuntary "leakage" of the emotional charge.Words can be a great indicator that a person is about to lie:Answering your question with a questionRepeating the statement, rather than answeringSay "I am telling you the truth"I will not lie to you"Accusing "Are you saying I am lying?"Stammering, stuttering, and pausing before answeringPointing while answeringThe sound of the voiceVoice raises due to tightness of vocal chords.Anxiety makes voice squeaky or raspyMumbling
EyesEye positionBlink rate increasingpupils contractingLooking down to left or right (depending on whether the person is right or left handed)Eye twitch- involuntaryStaring into your eyes (look for leakage immediately)These signals alone do not mean a person is lying. If you have calibrated properly, you will see the immediate and obvious change, or combination of behaviors that mean they are lying. Remember, it is all about the way the person tells the truth, that will tell you when they are lying.
Some people think that they can lie by looking you right in the eyes. But, guaranteed, something else will give. Even if they have practiced lying there will be a signal somewhere else. A face that lacks expression can be covering up the lie- but the lack of expression and the lack of micro muscle movements can be the dead giveaway.
If you learn how to detect a liar, the clues will be obvious. You will wonder how you never noticed such OBVIOUS signals before. Learn from the video and then create your own internal lie detector that will take all the signals, calibrate them unconsciously and then you will know- is it truth or lie?

When is Someone Lying to You?
Everyone has to lie from time to time. People lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to save them from embarrassment. But unfortunately there are other people, people not as honest as us, that are career liars. So how do you avoid the con-men and scamsters trying to cheat you out of your money? Asking people to take a lie detector test isn't really practical. Some clues to a person's honesty are explained below.
Lying is a stressful business for all but the habitual liar. The guilt and fear of getting caught produce symptoms which can point to a liar. One of these actions alone may not mean anything but several of them may be significant. You have to look at the whole picture when judging truthfulness.
When children lie, they often cover their mouth as if to hide the words from you. Adults do the same thing. To try and mask the lie they will place their hand across their mouth or try to disguise this by coughing. A variation on this is scratching or stroking the nose with the lightest of touches. It is set apart from someone with an itchy nose who will touch their nose in a more deliberate manner. If however, you see this when you are speaking to someone, it may mean they think you are lying.

Open Palms
Open palms are a traditional sign of honesty, with palms facing upwards it shows the person has nothing to hide. This stems from when two people would show their palms on meeting, to show they weren't hiding any weapons. People generally find it difficult to lie with open palms and if they try, it will look contrived. The professional scam-artist will have learned to do this convincingly, to help him charm people into parting with their cash.

Eye Contact
When someone is telling you a lie, they will often find it difficult to look you directly in the eye. To avoid eye contact they may rub their eyes. Men will rub their eyes briskly or look down when lying. Women are more likely to rub below their eyes or stare up whilst lying.
Prolonged eye contact may also be a clue to a lie. The liar may overcompensate because he knows a lack of eye contact can look suspicious. As with other possible symptoms this should be taken in context with other behaviour.

Eye Accessing Cues
If you watch someone's eyes carefully you get clues to the way they are thinking. This can only be used as a general rule of thumb because everyone thinks in a different way so this won't apply to everybody. In my experience this does work most of the time, but you have to think carefully about what the person's thought process is when the eye movement takes place.
When someone looks up and to the left from your point of view (their right) they are constructing an image, in other words they are making up a situation in their mind, clearly this could mean they are lying. If they look left but their eye's stay level they are constructing a sound, for example they could be imagining a conversation that they haven't had.
When they look up and to the right they are remembering an image (probably not lying) and when they look right but keep their eye's level they are remembering a sound.
If someone looks down and to the left they are accessing their feelings and when they look down and to the right they are having an internal dialogue with themselves.

The Conundrum
If someone says they were at a certain place at a certain time and you don't believe them you can always ask them a question about it. Better yet ask them a question that you know the answer to. But how would you know the answer if you yourself weren't there? You wouldn't, so ask about something you know didn't happen. For example, you could ask if they saw anything of a stabbing incident near where they were and were they stuck in the traffic because of the police investigation on the way there. If the person wasn't where they said, they will struggle to decide how to answer. If they agree with you that an incident took place then they must be lying, but if they didn't recall such an incident they may have been telling the truth.
When they give their answer, carefully notice how much they hesitate and stumble over their words. The more they struggle to answer, the more likely they are to be lying.
This is a really good way to find out if someone is lying as long as it was the location they were lying about and not the people they were with. You should also make sure that the incident is big enough so that they realistically could not have missed it if they had actually been there, but not so big that it is totally unbelievable.

Micro Expressions
One of the things that can manifest itself under the pressure of a lie, is an unusual expression on the face. What I mean by this is an expression that is shorter in duration than you would normally expect. In fact the expression can be so quick that it's easy to miss. However, it is an extremely effective method of uncovering a liar and so should always be looked for.
These short expressions commonly come in the form of a lifting of both eyebrows and/or a small frown in the middle of the forehead.
Such expressions intriguingly occurred during President Clinton's denial of sexual relations speech, and when Michael Jackson denied impropriety with a child. Both of these people were suspected of lying at the time and the use of this method would concur with that assumption.
The fact that such a politician was unable prevent such an expression could mean either they didn't know about such a give away, didn't think anyone would notice or more likely he was unable to stop the micro expression.
Unfortunately, the micro expression only lasts for a fraction of a second, so you need to practice carefully monitoring people's expressions for the clues they betray.

Follow the Pattern
The easiest people to spot lying are the last people you want to lie to you. Your friends and family are the people you know best and therefore you know their patterns of behaviour. When they act in a slightly different way to normal your suspicions should be aroused.

Other Clues
The guilt of lying will manifest itself in many other ways. The person may sweat more making them adjust their clothing or scratch more. Their pupils may dilate and they will blink more often. Their face may blush or develop a twitch. When questioned they may be hesitant and give a short answer. A truthful person will be able to easy elaborate and be more animated in their answering. An untruthful story will lack details and will be vague in places.
People can learn to banish most of the unconscious movements that show untruthfulness. Politicians are good people to watch for this, they make sure they keep their movements to a minimum to appear credible.

You shouldn't assume someone is lying just because they fall down on one of the above tests, but if there are multiple clues this will remove all doubt for you. Ideally you should take everything into consideration before acting on your suspicions. The person may not be lying for the reason you think they are lying, for instance they may be lying out of embarrassment or perhaps they are planning a surprise for you. Just because you now know how to tell when someone is lying, make sure you don't get caught up in paranoia.

The Body Doesn't Lie - By Nili Raam, Phd
It isn’t easy for a woman, especially if she is in love with a man of the lying variety, to realize that he is leading her up the garden path. In most cases, there are no unmistakable signs, although the woman’s friends and relatives will hotly claim: “We told you so”. There are certain non-verbal indicators that may be helpful, but judgment should definitely not be passed on the basis of a single indicator. The hands, face and legs are our great betrayers, as being the body parts that drop the major hints. It is very difficult to control the movement of every one of them, and especially the movement of all three together. The common denominator of all indicators of lying is concealment. It includes concealment of the gaze, the eyes or the mouth, concealment of the hands, concealment of the feet, or keeping them off the ground. Another group of secondary indicators is where the subject shows visible signs of tension or nervousness or seems keyed up, a mental state frequently accompanying the telling of a lie. The deceiving male is basically in an evasion mode, and his body, too, acts evasively. He evades eye contact, physical contact, does not turn his body completely toward the woman when he is lying to her, and evades mental and physical openness. A person who is at peace with himself and his position tends to place the soles of his feet on the ground when seated. The deceiving man is tensed up and in a state of evasion, and he expresses this with his feet. Postures in which only the heels, toes or sides of the feet touch the ground are fairly frequent, and we often find a posture in which one foot is placed upon and covers the other. A person’s discomfort with his lies will express itself in generally restiveness. He fidgets restlessly on his chair, touching his nose or lips, or his eyes or ears, while giving voice to the lie. Liars, it transpires, tend to cross arms and legs more frequently. This limb crossing constitutes a defense, in which the liar feels that both he and his lie are less exposed. This point is particularly valid where the hands are concerned. Fully revealed and open hands attest to mental openness; and their incautious use is liable to betray the lie. Therefore the liar will tend to conceal his hands one inside the other, thrust them into his pockets or even sit on them. Touching oneself, especially on the nose, mouth or eyes, is especially significant, as it points to a certain emotional difficulty. Such signs may relate to a sense of embarrassment, mental discomfort or tension that an individual feels when he lies. Sometimes self-touching may be an attempt at self-encouragement and support.In highly excited states, people tend to pinch the back of their hand, as if to refuse to allow themselves to be drawn into the excitement; or even as an expression of guilt in connection with a lie. The significance of biting one’s hand or fingernails is similar, except that this may also be an expression of frustration or anger. Liars often make exaggerated use of overemphatic signals of frankness, such as: hand on heart, vehement oaths and excessive demonstrations of feeling. When President Clinton stated, very definitely: “I did not have sex with that woman” (Monica Lewinksy, of course), he overdid the emphasis on anger and seriousness in this statement, placing it in the category of overkill, which is fairly typical of liars (“Cross my heart and hope to die”). The deceiving male is no exception to this rule: he indulges extensively in grandiloquence, sometimes overemphasizing his feelings as badly as a ham actor, and resorting to gestures such as oaths of loyalty. Men who are seasoned con artists where women are concerned are aware of the efficacy of touch in softening up their quarry. They can captivate her heart by means of a gentle, supportive, considerate and caressing touch. Such men are highly skilled in the use of the kinds of touch that look and feel like a woman’s most romantic fantasies. (When they fail to obtain whatever it is they are after from the woman, however, this veneer will probably start to crack). Liars almost universally experience three psychological conditions:

1. Fear, misgivings, anxiety;
2. A strong desire to conceal the lie;
3. Internal conflict.

The intensity of each of these feelings depends on what he stands to lose if the truth is found out, and also on his moral conscientiousness level. In this state of mind, the emotions will frequently leak, finding expression in micro-movements. The more of a conscience the liar has, the more anxious and the less skilled he will be – and the more indicators he will give. A brief guide to spotting lie-indicators

Fear indicators:
• Facial or palmar sweating
• Uneven breathing.
• Dry mouth and throat (lip-licking, frequent sipping of a drink, swallowing).
• Tongue tripping.
• Throat clearing and coughing.
• Blushing and turning pale.
• Fiddling with some object (doodling, fingering).
• Rigid body, stiff posture.
• Eyes darting about or strong blinking
.Camouflage or concealment indicators:
• Any signs attesting to mental planning processes;
• Stiff, expressionless face (an attempt to avoid giving facial expression to emotions);
• A smile that is out of place, too prolonged or that comes and goes suddenly;
• Concealment of the side of the mouth, nose-touching;
• Cleansing the sides of the mouth;
• Avoidance of eye contact, or the use of a hypnotic gaze, as if trying to demonstrate honesty.Internal conflict indicators:
• Slight facial twitching, especially on one side of the mouth, or in the cheeks or eyelids;
• Intense blinking, the lifting of one eyebrow;
• Slight shoulder shaking, a sort of quick and minute shrug.
• Nose wrinkling, as when expressing disgust;
• Change of tone when speaking: the voice drops and becomes softer as the lie is uttered;
• Involuntary shaking of the hands, as if to be rid of the lie.

A person who is telling lies is usually experiencing some degree of mental stress, due to the gap between what he is saying and what he knows to be true. For this reason, certain tension and stress indicators may also be lie indicators. Indeed, almost any lie will betray indicators of stress or nervousness that reinforce the more obvious cues of lying, and confirming suspicions of deception. However, one should not conclude that a persona is lying solely on the basis of signs of stress and nervousness – he may simply be feeling pressured, emotional or nervous; which is why the differences must be carefully studied.

Characteristic signs of nervousness, stress or disquiet not necessarily attesting that the subject is lying:
• Finger drumming;
• Clasping and unclasping one’s hands;
• Hand wringing
• Voice tremors
• Nervous giggling;
• Swallowing, lip licking

Fallacies and facts about liars
Beware of prejudices, especially fallacies.
Fallacy: the liar does not look you in the eye;
Fact: the prevailing cliché has it that liars don’t look you in the eye. Liars are well aware of this, and therefore take pains to gaze straight into your eyes, as if to compensate for such expectations. Your average liar will make sure to look his interlocutor straight in the eye, as if trying to hypnotize him, especially when he gets to the problematic parts of his discourse. Sometimes, of course, he may be overcome by the need to momentarily close the eye, when the dissonance between what he is saying and what his conscience requires him to say is too great. But this already amounts to a “leak”.

Fallacy: a high-pitched tone of voice, rapid speech, a loud voice, verbal errors – are all indicators of a lie.
Fact: most of the above merely indicate excitement, except for the voice being suddenly pitched louder or softer.

Fallacy: a smile shows sympathy and is therefore an indicator of the truth.
Fact: liars use smiles as ammunition. A smile of this sort is discernible mainly when it is out of place, appearing suddenly and just as suddenly vanishing. Crooked smiles that do not involve the eyes, or that last too long, may indicate that lies are being told.

Fallacy: a poker face indicates a person who has something to hide.
Fact: a poker-faced expression is mainly indicative of introverted types, the exception being where the subject’s face changes from expressive to poker faced.

Fallacy: reflex actions such as blushing, quick breathing, perspiring or dilation of the pupils – may indicate a lie.
Fact: all these are signs of mental stress or strong negative feelings, not necessarily lying.

It is important to note that lying should not be inferred from one single indicator but only from a whole cluster of signs. Moreover, indicators appearing singly or serially are only significant where there is a deviation from the norm, an unconventional response. For example, if a person is in the habit of sitting on his hands, that posture carries no significance, but significance does attach to one who suddenly sits on his hands in response to something that has been said. We may ascribe significance if the voice suddenly becomes high-pitched when uttering a certain word; but where a voice is always pitched high, we are witnessing a personality trait, and not a lie.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 3)


Illegal (Perisik tidak sah)

Menurut laman web medefinasikan perisik illegal seperti berikut;

An agents performing intelligence work in a foreign country who passed him or herself off as not really a citizen of the country they are form; a standard recruitment ploy. Also, a term for anyone under deep cover of a legend. [i]

Sebagai contoh, pada awal kewujudan Negara Soviet, hampir kesemua Negara luar enggan mengiktirafnya, oleh itu hanya dengan cara illegal HUMINT sahaja pihak Soviet dapat menyusupkan asset perisikannya ke Negara sasaran. Hal ini membuatkan perisikan Soviet begitu mahir melatih seseorang perisik menyerupai identity warganegara yang ingin dirisiknya dan sehingga dapat larut dalam masyarakat itu tanpa dikesan.[ii] Doktrin KGB meletakkan tugas illegal sebagai orang yang akan menguruskan segala asset informer KGB jika ejen – ejen legal mereka tumpas atau terpaksa memberhentikan operasi.[iii] Salah satu kelebihan perisik illegal ialah dapat menjalankan kegiatannya tanpa gangguan pihak berkuasa dan ajensi pencegah-perisikan Negara sasaran, dan ianya juga dapat bergerak bebas mahupun dalam situasi perang dan darurat.[iv] Teteapi risiko yang mereka tanggung amat tinggi, mereka tidak mempunyai perlindungan diplomatic[v], dan sering kali terjadi, negera mereka akan menafikan kewujudan dan status mereka apabila mereka tertangkap. Bagi sesetengah Negara, hukuman kepada perisik adalah mati. Penyamaran yang dipilih oleh ejen-ejen illegal ini pelbagai, antaranya mereka menyamar seperti pelancong, sebagai contoh, pada 25 Ogos 1960, dua orang veteran tentera udara Amerika, Mark Kaminsky dan Harvey Bennett telah ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa Soviet semasa bercuti di Negara itu atas alasan merisik bagi pihak AS.[vi] Kemudian, pada tahun 1961, seorang lagi pelancong AS, Marvin William Makinen telah ditahan di Russia oleh pihak berkuasa Negara itu atas tuduhan mengambil gambar instalasi tentera Soviet di Kiev. Beliau dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama lapan tahun oleh pihak berkuasa Soviet.[vii] Selain AS, pihak China juga dikatakan kerap menggunakan illegal untuk merisik kekuatan Amerika Syarikat. Sebagai contoh, Dr. Wah Lim, bekas saintis di Loral Space and Communications telah menghantar satu dokumen sulit melalui fax ke Negara China yang menyebabkan China dapat memajukan system peluru berpandunya.[viii] Selain itu, seorang pereka senjata nuclear kelahiran Taiwan, Wen Ho Lee, juga dikatakan merisik bagi pihak China ketika beliau bertugas di Los Alamos Lab.[ix] Laman web globalsecurity pula mendedahkan seorang pakar senjata nuclear Russia, Igor Sutyagin, didapati bersalah atas tuduhan merisik bagi pihak AS dan Britain semasa beliau bertugas di USA-Canada Institute, Moscow. Beliau dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama 20 tahun bermula 7 April 2004.[x] Begitu juga di Taiwan, tiga orang juruteknik yang berkhidmat di CIST Institute milik tentera Taiwan didapati bersalah kerana merisik bagi pihak China.[xi] Insiden itu membuatkan pihak China bertindak balas, pada February 2004, pihak berkuasa China melumpuhkan satu kegiatan perisikan terbesar Taiwan dengan tertangkapnya tiga orang perisik Taiwan di sana. Kegiatan yang berpusat di Nanjing Military Region, dan mensasarkan beberapa penempatan tentera Negara China seperti Perlabuhan Ningpo dan Pengkalan Peluru Berpandu Leping di Daerah Jiangxi.[xii] Sementara di Sweden pula pihak keselamatan Negara itu telah berjaya menahan tiga orang perisik yang bertugas di di Syarikat LM Ericsson kerana dituduh memberi rahsia sulit kepada ejen perisikan Russia di sana. Menurut jurucakap LM Ericsson, Henry Stenson, intipan mereka itu hanya melibatkan system komunikasi komersial yang dibekalkan oleh syarikat itu, tiada sebarang kelengkapan yang melibatkan ketenteraan terlibat.[xiii] Terkini pada 15 Julai 2004, dua perisik MOSSAD Israel telah ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa New Zealand dan dijatuhi hukuman penjara enam bulan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Auckland atas tuduhan memasuki Negara itu secara tidak sah, sementara seorang lagi berjaya melarikan diri ke Australia. Uriel Zosha Kelman dan Eli Cara didapati cuba mempalsukan identity mereka ketika memasuki New Zealand. [xiv]

Melihatkan data – data di atas, maka tidak syak lagi, penggunaan para perisik illegal ini amat penting bagi menjayakan sesuatu operasi perisikan. Kata – kata pakar ketenteraan China, Sun Tzu membuktikan semua itu, katanya;

He who know the enemy and himself
Will never in a hundred battles be at risk;
He who does not know the enemy but knows himself
Will sometimes win and sometimes lose;
He who know neither the enemy nor himself
Will be at risk in every battle


End Note
[i] “counterintelligence, covert operations, and espionage.”
[ii] Barron, John. KGB Today: The Hidden Hand. New York: Berkley Books, 1985. p 247
[iii] Ibid p 248
[iv] White, Terry. Fighting Technique of the Special Force. London: Century Books, 1993. p 231
[v] Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Operasi Perisikan dan Sejarahnya. Unpublished articles, 2005.
[vi] Wise, David, and, Thomas B Ross. The Invisible Government. New York: Vintage Books, 1974. p 241
[vii] Ibid p 242
[viii] Maier, Timothy W. China’s US Arsenal (Chinese espionage at American nuclear lab). Insight. April 19, 1999.
[ix] Ibid, untuk lapuran lebih terperinci, sila lihat; Fisher, Jr., Richard D. Time To Heed the Cox Commission’s Wake – Up call. The Heritage Foundation. June 3, 1999.
[x] Buff, Margot. Russia: Researcher Sutyagin Convicted of Espionage. http://www.globalsecurity,org/intell/library/news/2004/ (6 April 2004)
[xi] Wu, Sofia. Three Suspects Indicted on Charge of Spying for Mainland China.
[xii] Taiwan Spy Ring Broken by China.
[xiii] Grandell, Tommy. 3 Ericsson workers charged in spy case. Associated Press. May 8, 2003.
[xiv] Cienfuegos, Ernesto, and La Voz De Aztlan. Israeli spies receive prison sentences. 15 July 2004.
[xv] Ames, Roger T. The Sunzi Legacy and Classical Strategy: A Tale of Two Warfare’s. In Lane, C. Dennison (editor). Chinese Military Modernization. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1996. p 26

Monday, July 18, 2005



All spies are expendable
- Sun Tzu [i]

Menurut seorang pakar peperangan berbangsa China, Sun Tzu, perisik boleh dibahagi kepada lima jenis;[ii]

Perisik tempatan – ejen tempatan yang berada di kawasan musuh dan terlatih.
Moles – ejen yang terdiri dari pegawai di dalam kerajaan musuh.
Ejen bermuka dua – ejen perisikan musuh yang berpaling tadah.
Ejen expandable – ejen yang boleh dikorbankan
Ejen surviving – ejeb yang membekalkan maklumat tentang musuh.

Sementara itu, Terry White dalam bukunya yang bertajuk Fighting Skills of the SAS and Special Force mengkelaskan perisik atau HUMINT [iii] terdiri dari dua jenis iaitu Legal dan Illegal. [iv]

Legal (Perisik Sah)

Perisik kelas ini biasanya berselindung disebalik tabir diplomatic seperti pegawai kedutaan, attaché tentera, pegawai perdagangan atau pegawai kerajaan yang bertugas di Negara sasaran. Perisik jenis ini mempunyai kelebihan kerana ianya dilindungi oleh kuasa diplomat dan apabila sesuatu yang buruk berlaku, seperti tertangkap ketika cuba merisik, mereka terlepas dari hukuman Negara yang terbabit, mereka Cuma akan diminta keluar dari Negara itu. [v] Negara Russian, ayng suatu masa dahulu dikenali sebagai Soviet Union amat mahir dalam bidang ini, menurut Viktor Suvorov, seorang ejen perisik Soviet yang berpaling tadah pada tahun 70an, ketika perang dingin sedang memuncak, hampir 40 peratus keseluruhan kakitangan di kedutaan Soviet merupakan ejen KGB dan 20 peratus pula dilatih oleh GRU. [vi] Kerajaan Mesir, sebagai contoh, pada September 1981 telah menghalau pulang tujuh orang diplomat Soviet termasuk seorang duta kerana disabitkan sebagai perisik di sana.[vii] Begitu juga dengan Negara Norway telah memerintahkan dua orang pegawai perdagangan Soviet meninggalkan Negara tersebut kerana didapati cuba secara sulit membeli komponen pesawat pejuang F 16 AS yang dibuat di sana. Mereka juga cuba merasuah sebuah firma Norway untuk mendapatkan maklumat sulit teknologi AS bagi kegunaan Soviet. [viii] Malaysia juga tidak terlepas dari intaian para perisik Legal Soviet. Pada bulan Julai 1981, negera ini telah menghalau tiga warganegara Soviet yang disyakki cuba merekrut seorang setiausaha politik kepada timbalan perdana menteri ketika itu.[ix] Mereka ialah;

Zavdat Lutfulovich Khamidulin
Vladislav Petrovich Romanov
Gennadi Ivanovich Stepanov

Selain mereka bertiga, pihak berkuasa Malaysia juga pernah menghalau keluar dua lagi warganegara Soviet kerana disyakki merisik, mereka ialah;
Anatoli Alekseevich Lyko pada May 1975 – disyakki ejen GRU
Igor Ivanovich Dmitriev pada Jun 1976 [x]

Di Amerika Syarikat pula, Arkady Shevchenko mungkin merupakan diplomat peringkat tertinggi Soviet yang menjadi perisik dan berpaling tadah. Beliau berjawatan Setiausaha Agung Rendah di Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN). Sebagai ketua di Jabatan Politik dan Hal Ehwal Majlis Keselamatan, beliau dituduh merisik bagi bagi pihak US ketika masih di dalam KGB.[xi] Selain pegawai diplomatic, attaché tentera juga sering terlibat dalam kegiatan perisikan ini. Sebagai contoh, majalah Japan Policy and Politic bertarikh 13 November 2000 melapurkan pada tahun 1985, seorang attaché tentera Jepun yang bertugas di Moscow telah diperintahkan keluar dari Negara itu kerana dituduh merisik. Attaché yang dikenali sebagai Major Kenji Miyazaki telah dituduh cuba meletakkan assetnya di Kementerian Perdagangan Soviet dan beberapa pusat penyelidikan sulit milik Soviet. [xii] Selain Jepun, pihak China jiga giat menjalankan operasi pengintipannya ke atas Amerika Syarikat. Salah seorang perisiknya yang dikenalpasti ialah John Huang, berjawatan pegawai tinggi di Jabatan Perdagangan US.[xiii] Tuduhan itu mula dilemparkan secara umum oleh Gerald Solomon, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa House Rules Kongress Amerika, katanya;

I have received reports from government sources that there are electronic intercept which provide evidence confirming that John Huang committed economic espionage and breached national security…[xiv]

Oleh itu tidak hairanlah apabila salah seorang pegawai FBI telah memberitahu Los Angeles Times yang pembukaan bangunan konsulat China di Los Angeles memberi pihak China sebuah lagi flatform untuk merisik.[xv]

End Note
[i] Counterintelligence, Covert Operations and Espionage. Internet source.
[ii] Ibid
[iii] Human Intelligence – is an intelligence gathering discipline collecting information either by interviewing or tracking a subject of investigation, or using a combination of black technique to gain confessions or involuntary disclosure of information. HUMINT. Internet:
[iv] White, Terry. Fighting Skills of the SAS & Special Force. London: Magpie Books, 1997. p 349
[v] Ibid p 349
[vi] Ibid p 350
[vii] Barron, John. KGB Today: The Hidden Hand. New York: Berkley Books, 1985. p 29
[viii] Ibid
[ix] ibid
[x] Ibid p 372 - 374
[xi] Davis, Ian, and David Isenberg. The Long History of UN Espionage. Observer. March 8,2003. internet:
[xii] MSDF officer forced out of Moscow post by KGB spy: journal. Japan Policy & Politics. Nov 13, 2000. internet:
[xiii] Timperlake, Edward, and William C Triplett II. Year of the Rat. Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1998. p 43
[xiv] Ibid
[xv] Ibid p 129

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Sex and espionage certainly go together -- that's an old tradition.
- Markus Wolf, head of international intelligence gathering arm (HVA) of East Germany's Ministry for State Security (MfS), or Stasi.(1)

Ada beberapa makna yang dapat disimpul mengenai perisik ini, menurut Frederick Hitz, perisik membawa erti intelligence officer with assumed identities and no diplomatic protection.(2) sementara mentafsirkan perisik sebagai; someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor (3) ia juga ditafsirkan sebagai; An agent employed by a state to obtain secret information, especially of a military nature, concerning its potential or actual enemies. (4) Bagi laman web pula, ia mentafsirkan perisik seperti berikut; A person sent secretly into an enemy's camp, territory, or fortifications, to inspect his works, ascertain his strength, movements, or designs, and to communicate such intelligence to the proper officer.(5) Maka bolehlah disimpulkan bahawa perisik ini merupakan satu aktiviti yang melibatkan kegiatan merisik secara sulit bagi mendapatkan maklumat serta dat-data tertentu dari pihak musuh mahupun negara sahabat.

"Real time information collection & dissemination in today's highly mobile warfare will help the commander 's task of putting together a comprehensive picture. More so like putting pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together in order to see complete picture about wfat is actually going on in the battlefield."
- Brig Gen Hanif Othman (6)

Menurut BBC, kerjaya perisikan merupakan satu kerjaya yang kedua tertua di dunia.(7) Laman Wikipedia menulis secara ringkas tentang sejarah dunia perisikan, ia mecatatkan; Incidents of espionage are well documented throughout history. The wisdom of Sun-Tzu contains information on deception and subversion. The ancient Egyptians had a thoroughly developed system for the acquisition of intelligence, and the Hebrews used them too. More recently, they played a significant part in Elizabethan England.(8) Sun-Tzu pernah menulis dalam bukunya yang terkenal iaitu, Art of War sebagai, mengenali musuh seperti anda mengenali dirisendiri, nescaya kita tidak akan tewas dalam petempuran" dan "angkatan tentera tanpa agen perisik samalah seperti manusia tanpa mata dan telinga".(9) Begitu juga di dalam sejarah islam, para perisik juga kerap digunakan bagi tujuan meninjau tahap kekuatan musuh-musuh mereka sebelum sesuatu peperangan dijalankan. Ini terbukti apabila Nabi Muhammad sendiri telah menghantar dua belas orang kaum muhajirrin yang diketuai oleh Abdullah bin Jahsyi ke Mekah bagi meninjau kekuatan pihak musuh sebelum peperangan Badar.(10)


End Note

1. Wolf, Markus. Interview with CNN reporter. The Man Without a Face: An interview with Markus Wolf. Jan. 1998. 16 July 2005
2. Hitz, Frederick P. The Great Game. New York: The Vintage Books, 2004. 19
3. "Espionage agent." 16 July 2005
4. Ibid
5. ""Spies "" 16 July 2005
6. Wahab, Zaharin A. "Quotes of The Day." 13 Aug. 2004. 16 July 2005
7. Reynolds, Paul. "The world's second oldest profession." 26 Feb. 2004. BBC News Online world affairs correspondent. 16 July 2005
8. "Espionage." 17 July 2005
9. Wahab, Zaharin A. "Perisikan - satu analisa (bah 1)." 24 Dec. 2003. 16 July 2005
10. Ibid

Sumber lain

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Perang: Satu Analisa (Sebab – sebab berlakunya peperangan)

In peace the sons bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their sons
- Croesus [i]

War does not spring full – grown from the loins of Mars. It is made by men who by purpose or accident are in positions of leadership and influence.
- Bob Kobres [ii]

Banyak sebab musabab yang boleh mencetuskan peperangan. Menurut Gabriel dan Metz dalam bukunya A Short History of War, perang mula terjadi apabila kegiatan pertanian dan penternakan haiwan mula berkembang pada kurun ke lima BC. Kegiatan ini menyebabkan terbitnya satu cara hidup bermasyarakat yang lebih kompleks. Kemahiran membuat senjata juga menyumbang ke arah tercetusnya konflik awalan di antara mereka.[iii] Dalam peperangan Crimean (Crimean War) sebagai contoh, konflik antara pihak Khalifah Uthmaniah (Ottoman) dan Kerajaan Russia tercetus hanya kerana pihak Uthmaniah memberi kelebihan kepada Negara Perancis mengawal sejumlah gereja – geraja Kristian di Palastine. Oleh kerana permintaan Russia ditolak maka pihak Russia bertindak menawan Negara jajahan Uthmaniah iaitu Moldavia dan Walachia. Kerana itu pihak Kerajaan Uthmaniah bertindak mengisytiharkan perang terhadap Negara Russia.[iv] Satu lagi contoh terjadinya peperangan hanya dengan sebab – sebab yang minima ialah terjerumusnya Amerika Syarikat ke kancah Perang Dunia Pertama hanya dengan sepucuk telegram yang dihantar oleh Menteri Luar Jerman masa itu yang bernama Alfred Zimmerman kepada duta Jerman di Mexico.[v] Dalam kandungan telegram itu, Zimmerman menawarkan kepada Negara Mexico beberapa tanah jajahannya yang terlepas kepada AS seperti Texas, Arizona dan New Mexico jika pihak Mexico berpaling dan berpihak kepadanya. [vi] Secara ringkasnya terdapat tiga sebab – sebab utama yang sering mencetuskan peperangan, iaitu;

a) Konflik yang disebab oleh perebutan hasil bumi.
b) Pertembungan Kuasa
c) Pengaruh Identiti

Menurut Alexander Nikitin dalam draft di dalam satu persidangan di Queens College, Cambridge, UK pada 3 hingga 8 Ogos 2000 [vii], secara terperincinya menghuraikan tiga factor tadi kepada beberapa sub – factor iaitu;

Perebutan Hasil Bumi
a) kerana sumber galian (minerals) – kewilayahan, sumber air, hasil drp. Laut, tanah, bahan galian (dsb.)
b) Hasil industri – infrastruktur industri, tenaga, Bandar, perlabuhan, sumber kewangan dan tenaga kerja
c) Hasil hiliran industri – maklumat, rangkaian computer, teknologi maju, bahan kajian saintifik dan moden, keupayaan tinggi ketenteraan (nuclear, aeroangkasa, peluru berpandu)

Petembungan Kuasa
a) Politik dalaman – pengagihan kuasa antara kumpulan, kelas, bangsa, kedudukan, puak, ketua, elemen persekutuan, regim politik, dsb.
b) Politik antarabangsa – Sempadan, daerah, pemilikan akses kepada sumber – sumber, perikatan, treaty, tuntutan undang – undang, dsb.
c) Hubungan antara etnik – tingkat autonomy, isu politik, perwakilan minority, struktur pemerintah, dsb.

Pengaruh Identiti
a) Budaya – kawalan dari pengaruh budaya luar, pertentangan sesuatu budaya kepada pemerintah atau penduduk
b) Agama – pengagihan kuasa dan pengaruh antara agama dan ketua sesuatu Negara
c) Ideologi – akses kepada social, etnik, kumpulan budaya.

Perebutan hasil bumi

Paul Kennedy menulis;

War, to put it bluntly, would support war. By confiscation of crown and feudal properties in defeated countries; by spoils taken directly from the enemy’s armies, garrisons, museums, and treasuries; by imposing war indemnities in money or in kind… [viii]

Sebab ini dinobatkan antara sebab – sebab utama tercetusnya peperangan.[ix] Hasil bumi seperti bahan galian, sumber tenaga seperti minyak dan keluasan tanah sering menjadi elemen yang menarik bagi Negara – Negara untuk berperang. John Collins menulis; national interest in natural resources and raw materials shape international relationship… [x] David Hume pula menulis dalam essay nya; nothing is more usual, among states which have made seme advances in commerce, than to look on the progress of their neighbors with a suspicious eye, to consider all trading states as their rivals… [xi] sebagai contoh ialah semasa perang pencerobohan Iraq ke atas Kuwait pada 2 Ogos 1990. Saddam dilihat cuba menjadikan Iraq sebuah kuasa baru dunia apabila mengawal sejumlah 20% sumber minyak dunia yang ada di sana. [xii] Faktor sumber tenaga seperti minyak ini menjadikan Negara kuasa besar seperti Amerika Syarikat rela berperang bagi memastikan mereka mempunyai bekalan yang cukup seperti yang dibuktikan semasa Operation Iraqi Freedom.[xiii] Mereka sanggup berbelanja hampir USD 17.7 billion bagi menghantar dan mengekalkan anggota tentera di kawasan Teluk pada tahun 1991.[xiv] Malahan Presiden Carter dalam ucapannya bertarikh 15 Julai 1979 telah mencadangkan satu program selama 10 tahun yang bernilai USD 140 bilion bagi mengurangkan pergantungan sumber minyak AS di pasaran luar. [xv] Contoh lain yang boleh diambil ialah Negara Perancis. Dengan menawan Negara – Negara jirannya, Napoleon bukan sahaja mendapat pulangan yang berganda malahan menjana keutuhan kewangan bagi Negara Perancis dan untuk beliau sendiri.[xvi] Sementara Jepun memperolehi keuntungan apabila menawan Korea pada Perang Dunia ke Dua kerana memperolehi sumber – sumber asli seperti arang batu, bijih besi dan lain – lain sumber asli termasuk kawasan janakuasa hidroelektrik di sana. [xvii] Insiden terbaru ialah keadaan tegang di Perairan Sulawesi berhampiran sempadan Malaysia – Indonesia gara – gara perebutan kawasan minyak yang bertindih di antara kedua buah Negara. [xviii] Minyak merupakan satu asset yang berharga kala ini mahupun di waktu dahulu. William K Whiteford, pengerusi, Gulf Corp. pernah berkata;

…That’s gasoline you smell in there. You can’t buy any perfume in the world that smells as sweet. [xix]

Oleh kerana kepentingan itu, dalam Operation Barbarossa, Hitler telah mengarahkan antara salah satu objektif operasi itu ialah menawan kawasan lombong minyak Russia di daerah Caucasus. [xx] Pihak berikat juga mengariskan kawasan perlombongan minyak milik tentera Jerman sebagai objektif utama juga, ini terbukti pada 1 Ogos 1943, berpuluh – puluh pesawat pengebom B – 24 Liberator milik 9th US Air Force telah mengebom kompleks penapisan minyak milik Jerman di Ploesti, Romania dari pengkalan milik mereka di Utara Afrika, 2,000 batu dari kawasan sasaran. [xxi] Maka tidak syak lagi, peperangan hampir pasti terjadi apabila kepentingan hasil bumi sesuatu Negara terancam, seperti yang dirumuskan oleh John Collins dalam bukunya;

Resource warfare can threaten modern societies and damage military capabilities just surely as nuclear weapons. [xxii] Bersambung...

End Note
[i] Internet:
[ii] Kobres, Bob. Chapter XVIII: Causes of War. Univ. of Georgia Libraries. Internet:
[iii] Gabriel, Richard A., and, Karen S Metz. A Short History of War: The Evolution of Warfare & Weapons. Strategic Studies Institute: US Army War College. Internet:
[iv] Abd. Wahab, Zaharin. Month of War. Selected Works. Unpublished edition. 2004. See also – untuk maklumat lengkap tentang Crimean War.
[v] Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. London: Fontana Press, 1989. p 349
[vi] Espionage history (1917 – 1918). Internet:
[vii] Nikitin, Alexander. Political and Economic Causes of war. 50th Pugwash Conference On Science and World Affairs: “Eliminating the Causes of War”. Internet:
[viii] Kennedy, Paul. Ibid. p 172
[ix] War; World Book Encyclopedia 2002, Deluxe Premier Ed. CD
[x] Collins, John M. Military Geography for Professional and the Public. Washington: Brassey’s , 1998. p 165
[xi] Hume, David. Of the Jealousy of Trade. Internet:
[xii] Woodward, Bob. The Commander. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. p 237
[xiii] Ketika penjajahan Iraq ke atas Kuwait, Presiden Bush dipetik sebagai berkata, if Saddam succeeds in extending his control to a large part of the Arab world, he could pose a direct threat to the US by severely damaging our oil – dependent economy. Lihat; Henderson, David R. Do We Need to Go to War For Oil? Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 4. internet:
[xiv] Henderson, Ibid. see also; Susan, Rasky. Senators Question Control of Gulf Aid. New York Times. September 12, 1990. p A9
[xv] The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2004. CD. Selectsoft Publishing.
[xvi] Kennedy, Paul. Ibid. p 172
[xvii] Collins, John M. ibid. p 159
[xviii] TNI Tetap Bersiaga di Kawasan Ambalat. Internet:
[xix] Vitullo – Martin, Julia, and J Robert Moskin. Executive’s Book of Quotations. New York, Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994. p 208
[xx] Matthews, Rupert. Hitler: Military Commander. London: Capella, 2003. p 173
[xxi] Warden III, John A., Colonel, USAF. The Air Campaign. Washington: Brassey, 1989. p 39
[xxii] Collins, John M. Military Geography for Professional and the Public. Washington: Brassey’s , 1998. p 165

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