Monday, April 16, 2007

Catatan Semalam

14 April 2007
Aku tiba di KL dari Kulim Hi Tech jam 4.30 pagi. Kereta Doc rosak plak di Jalan Raja Laut tak jauh dari Pejabat Agung. Jalan kaki le ke Pejabat, kemudian naik taxi A Aziz ke Opis aku untuk mengambil kereta aku yang aku latak di sana petang semalam.

Aku ke Kulim sebab escort Doc yang kena berceramah di sana. Bertolak from KL pada 13 April, dalam pukul 5 ptg. Sampai di Kulim jam 8.30 malam, selesai makan, program ceramah pun start di surau yang berhampiran (lupa nama taman tempat ceramah tu)...
Sempat beli senaskah buku:
CN al - Afghani. Tangisan di Bumi Kashmir. Baling, Kedah: Corak Memali, 1998 (RM2.00)

Ceramah tamat jam 11 mlm, lepas minum2 kami pun berangkat pulang ke KL.

Jam 9, aku dan isteri serta Izzatul dan K Mur ke Tesco Ampang. Shopping barangan rumah dan makan T/hari di rumah K Mur

Sebelah malam ke TM, sebab bertugas di Ceramah Perdana di sana. Habis ceramah kena susun dewan untuk program AGM Pas Kawasan Gombak esok hari till 1 pagi.

15 April 2007

Pagi - pagi dah ke TM, sebagai perwakilan DPPG ke AGM Pas Kawasan Gombak di TM hari ni. Perasmi nya ialah YAB Tuan Guru Datuk Haji Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Mursyidul Am PAS dan merangkap Menteri Besar Kelantan.

Perubahan pucuk pimpinan Kawasan di mana, YDP masih lagi diterajui oleh Dr Hatta Ramli, sementara Tim YDP pula diamanahkan kepada Cikgu Radzi, menggantikan Ustaz Sallahudin Nasir. Ustaz Zakaria Mamat pula dipilih sebagai Naib YDP yang baru menggantikan Cikgu Radzi.

pembelian buku
Saari Sungip. Ed. Penerangan Menjana Perubahan: Gombak bermaklumat menuju Kemenangan. Gombak: Pas Kawasan Gombak, 2007 (rm10.00)

Malam - pergi makan malam di rumah K Mur, balik ke Flat UTM jam 10malam dan tidur awal.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Catatan Semalam

April 11, 2007 Rabu
01:41 am B10 Flet UTM

Baru terjaga dari tidur, tidur awal semalam. Semalam hari yang paling banyak aku keluar duit.
[a] Payment untuk road – tax dan insuran kereta JGY836. RM400.00 kepada Asmadi - via maybank2u
[b] Bill Syabas – RM 6.27 – via Maybank2u
[c] Renew Lesen memandu aku till 21 Apr 2008 RM32.00 di Pejabat Pos KLP

Call Produa Service Center buat appointment untuk service JGY836 pada 21 April 2007 – Sabtu, 8.30 am

Sms kepada anggota JPC Flet UTM mengenai Usrah UKJ yang akan diadakan di Markaz UPU Taman Sepakat, pada Isnin 16 April 2007 – 9.30 malam. Cadang nak upah A Salim buat makanan, mungkin nasi goreng dan air batu. Anggaran 20 pax. Sebab malam tu mungkin ada Ustaz Zakaria Mamat datang untuk kupasan isu Salafi vs. Wahabi

Sms dari Rosdi, Ketua Jabatan Amal Gombak – minta bertugas pada hari AGM Pas Kawasan Gombak – reply, boleh bertugas Cuma tiada uniform sahaja.

Tertarik akan kata – kata Ezam Mohd Noor yang ditemuramah oleh wartawan Malaysia Today, Zukifli Mohammad ketika ditanya tentang isu perletakkan jawatan beliau dari semua jawatan di dalam Parti Keadilan;

Bagi saya focus dan keutamaan itu kena betul. Focus sekarang ialah agenda besar. Dalam muafakat, ada pekara yang boleh ketepikan, kita ketepikan dulu. Dalam keadaan sebenarnya (sekarang) muafakat lebih penting.
Mengapa parti ini tidak melaung – laungkan perpaduan. Mengapa istilah perpaduan tidak ada dalam Parti Keadilan? Padahal kalau kita hendak berperang. Kita kena berpadu… [1]

Perkembang lain pula, Sdr Anwar Ibrahim dilaporkan akan kembali bertanding dalam Pilihanraya Umum di Malaysia, beliau dipetik oleh akhbar on – line Houston Chronicle sebagai berkata;

I have decided to re – enter the foray [2]

[1] M Ezam M Noor. Interview with Zulkifli Mohammad. Malaysia Today. 10.04.07.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Starbuck vs. Ethiopia



Catatan Semalam

Masih belum boleh tidur lagi, perut masih kenyang lagi agaknya. Malam tadi Usrah UKJ di Bilik Gerakan Cawangan Klang Gate. Pergi ke sana tumpang Ammar. Tunggu Ammar di MTD H Klang.
Perancangan Usrah akan datang di Flet UTM pada 16 April 2007. berbicara tentang Usrah ni, teringat aku akan kata – kata al Ustaz Mustafa Masyhur yang dipetik oleh Abu Urwah dalam bukunya Risalah Usrah Jld. 1, antara tulisannya;

Usrah merupakan wasilah yang paling penting dalam usaha pembinaan jamaah. Dalam usrahlah dapat disempurnakan pembinaan individu muslim yang memiliki aqidah yang betul, ibadah yang sah, akhlaq yang kontan, pemikiran yang berilmu pengetahuan, tubuh badan yang gagah, urusan yang teratur, melatih menjaga waktu, bermanfaat untuk orang lain dan sentiasa mujahadah terhadap diri sendiri.[1]

Usrah secara tidak langsung mengajar kita berkerja secara berorganisasi atau tanzim, atau dengan kata lain secara teamworks. Fathi Yakan dalam bukunya Tasawwur Asasi Gerakan Islam amat tidak bersetuju dengan langkah sesetengah kita yang cuba menegakkan Islam dengan cara tidak berorganisasi (bertanzim, atau berjemaah), tulisnya;

Setiap kerja sekalipun kecil dan rendah tidak dapat dijamin kejayaannya sekiranya tidak diatur. Banyak tenaga yang hilang dan musnah tanpa tanzim (organisasi), sementara kerja yang sedikit tetapi tersusun telah menghasilkan kejayaan yang luar biasa. [2]

Balik dari usrah, minum ramai – ramai di Restoren depan MTD HK, makan kwee teau, tu yang tak boleh tidur lagi sampai sekarang kot. Mengah…

Kita renungkan kata – kata Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Sin dalam bukunya Pengurusan dalam Islam;

Pengurusan merupakan aspek yang paling penting dalam kepimpinan pengurusan. Malah ia merupakan langkah pentadbiran yang pertama. [3]

Nota kaki
[1] Abu Urwah. Risalah Usrah. Jld. 1. K Lumpur: Pustaka Salam, 1986. Passim
[2] Fathi Yakan. Tasawwur Asasi Gerakan Islam. Trans. Ustaz Ibrahim Embong. Selangor: Dewan Pustaka Fajar, 2004. Hal 6
[3] Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Sin. Pengurusan dalam Islam. Trans. A Rashid Ngah, and Jusoh Kadir. K Lumpur: DBP, 2002. Hal 111

Monday, April 09, 2007

ISLAM: Muslims can live in harmony


According to a Gallup Poll, four out of 10 Americans have admitted prejudice toward Islam and Muslims.
Unfortunately, a recent letter writer suffers from the same malaise.
Fom the dawn of Islam, Muslims have adapted to live in harmony in large multicultural societies.

The third largest Muslim population in the world now lives in India, accounting for fewer than 20 percent of its population.

If Islam commanded conversion at the point of a sword, would Muslims still be a minority after eight centuries of uninterrupted rule?

Look no further than Spain to learn that, despite over six centuries of Muslim rule, it was the intolerant Christian Inquisition that gave Muslims and Jews three options, convert to Christianity, leave Spain or die.

Today, despite the mosque in Cordova being one of the most beautiful in the world, no Muslim prayers are allowed there.

A recent poll by the Council on American-Islamic Relations shows the American Muslim population to be both young and highly educated.
Sixty-two percent have obtained a bachelor's degree or higher, which is double the comparable national figure for registered voters.
The survey results also show that Muslims are already well integrated in American society.


By Zaharin Abd Wahab

Peperangan Austerlitz berlaku pada 2 Disember, 1805 diantara Tentera Napoleon I dan pasukan tentera campuran antara Austria dan Russia. Pertempuran itu berlaku di perkampungan Austerlitz yang sekarang berada di dalam Negara Czech Republik.[1]

Menurut C A Leeds dalam bukunya European History 1789 – 1914. Peperangan tersebut berlaku setelah pasukan tentera Austria tewas ditangan Napoleon pada Pertempuran Ulm, 20 October 1805. Jeneral Russia ketika itu, Kutusov mencadangkan agar dilakukan satu gencatan senjata bagi mempersiapkan kembali angkatan tentera Prussia, tetapi cadangan itu ditolak oleh Alexander I, pemerintah Russia ketika itu dan berlakulah pertempuran Austerlitz dan pasukan mereka telah dapat ditewaskan oleh Tentera Napoleon I. [2]

Kesan dari kekalahan pihak Russia dan Austria, pemimpin Austria terpaksa menandatangani satu perjanjian damai dengan Napolean yang dikenali sebagai Treaty of Pressburg pada Dec 26, 1805. [3]

Akibat perjanjian tersebut, Austria telah kehilangan Venice kepada Itali, Tyrol kepada Bavaria sementara pemerintah Bavaria dan Wurttemberg dikenali sebagai Raja dan tidak terikat kepada takluk Empayar Austria. Negara Austria juga dikehendaki membayar denda sebanyak 40 juta franc kepada pihak Perancis. [4]

Menurut Prof. Eric Arnold, dari University of Denver, di dalam artikelnya di World Book 2002, Austria juga kehilangan wilayah Istria dan Dalmatia kepada Itali dan dengan itu, Empayar Holy Roman yang dipimpin oleh Francis II tumbang, dan dengan ini memudahkan lagi Napoleon untuk menakluk kawasan tengan Europe. [5]

[a] CD – ROM, World Book 2002
[b] Cobban, Alfred. A History of Modern France. Vol. II. Harmondsworth: Penguin
Books, 1972.
[c] Leeds, C.A. European History: 1789 – 1914. London: Macdonald & Evans Ltd.,
[d] Manfred, Prof. A.Z. A Short History of the World. Vol. I Trans. Katharine
Judelson. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1974
[e] Palmer, A.W. A Dictionary of Modern History: 1789 – 1945. Harmondsworth:
Penguin Books, 1972.
[f] Thomson, David. European since Napoleon. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,

[1] CD – ROM, World Book 2002
[2] Leeds, C.A. European History: 1789 – 1914. London: Macdonald & Evans Ltd., 1971. Hal 20 – 21
[3] Cobban, Alfred. A History of Modern France. Vol. II. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. Hal 44. Lihat juga: Manfred, Prof. A.Z. A Short History of the World. Vol. I Trans. Katharine Judelson. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1974. Hal 379
[4] Leeds, Op cit. hal 21, lihat juga: Thomson, David. European since Napoleon. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1971. Hal 64 dan Palmer, A.W. A Dictionary of Modern History: 1789 – 1945. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. Hal 36
[5] CD – ROM, World Book 2002

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Career Corner: Interviewing tips

By Kathryn Kraemer

Remember your objectives.
While the ultimate purpose of an interview is to get an offer for the position, the more immediate objective is for the company or agency to get to know you better and for you to get to know it better. Everything you do with regard to an interview should have this as its dual objective.

Bring a resume.
Depending on the type of position you are applying for, you also may want to bring some writing samples, perhaps a portfolio of your work. Do not offer it during the interview unless asked, and afterward only if it seems appropriate. Do not provide anything that you need back.

In government, the hiring person or committee will have your application package (hopefully you will have written your resume in the new federal resume format). The new federal vacancy announcements give instructions to not include additional documentation, such as letters of recommendation, training certificates or other documentation. You should bring along copies of important letters of recommendation. I believe that an excellent letter from a supervisor, other superior, vendor or employee group could be of great interest to the interviewing person.

Be on time.
Fifteen minutes early is a good rule, and with security, parking and other problems with federal buildings, half an hour is even better. The key is to be certain to be able to walk or take the elevator to the office without risk of being late because of public transportation or not being able to find a parking place. This will allow you to present yourself to the receptionist five minutes or so prior to the interview in a relaxed and composed manner.

Dress conservatively.
Present yourself professionally. Remember, your prospective employer is out to find someone who is comfortable with his or her culture, not someone who is interested in making a fashion statement.

Avoid perfume or cologne.
It may not help and may hurt.

Be pleasant and engaging.
Good eye contact, a strong handshake and a confident smile will get everything off on the right foot. Remember, the interviewer is looking for someone to hire, and they like your resume or you wouldn't be there. In short, the interviewer starts the interview looking to like you. Reinforce this from the beginning.

During the interview, relax, learn, listen, look, pay attention and sit up straight. Carry only a briefcase or portfolio to the interview (for women, a purse is also acceptable). Do not take extra bags.


Bacaan Lanjut

Dah kene daftar la pulak...

Menurut akhbar The Star versi web, melapurkan bahawa Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Air dan Kommunikasi, Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansur bercadang untuk mewajibkan para blogger yang berdaftar pada host tempatan didaftarkan kepada kementeriannya.

Langkah ini bertujuan untuk mengawal dan memantau para blogger supaya tidak menyebarkan khabar angin atau fitnah di dalam blog - blog mereka.

Aku tertarik akan kata - kata YB Lim Kit Siang (DAP), ketika membidas cadangan Timbalan menteri terbabit, katanya;

“They should be educated on the vast benefits of blogging, which will help them to interact more with the people. Many politicians overseas already have their own blogs,”

Semetara itu, Marina Mahathir pula menambah;

“is just going to make Malaysia look ridiculous in the eyes of the world.”


Feed back from TheStar:

Keadilan Islam

Inilah dia yang dinamakan KEADILAN dalam ISLAM...

Ahmadinejad says UK sailors pardoned, to be freed

TEHRAN -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Wednesday announced that 15 British sailors captured more than two weeks ago had been pardoned and would be freed imminently.

"While insisting on our rights, these 15 sailors have been pardoned and we offer their freedom to the British people," Ahmadinejad said in a dramatic announcement at a news conference in Tehran.

He said that they would be freed after the press conference and taken straight to the airport.

His declaration came even after the hardline president lashed out at Britain over its handling of the 13-day crisis and decorated a Revolutionary Guards commander who had seized the Britons
Earlier, Iran had applauded a "change of tone" from Britain after talks with a top advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair, raising hopes of a solution to the crisis that has further damaged ties between Tehran and the West already frayed by the nuclear standoff.

"London's action in changing its propaganda tone regarding the issue of the arrest of the British sailors in our territorial waters is appropriate," Iran's parliament speaker Gholam Ali Hadad Adel had said. "The effective measures taken by the British in the past few days make the tone of their rhetoric more logical and instead of controversy they are inclined toward negotiations," he added. "This is a more appropriate action."

His comments came after Iran's top security official Ali Larijani held talks with Blair's chief foreign policy advisor Sir Nigel Sheinwald late Tuesday.

Iran had insisted that the key to resolving the crisis was an admission from Britain that the sailors and marines did intrude into Iranian territorial waters when they were seized March 23.

"The British should confess that they made a mistake and they should no longer commit such moves," Hadad Adel had said.

Britain maintains that the group was carrying out routine anti-smuggling operations in Iraqi waters but Iran says that the sailors' Global Positioning System (GPS) devices show that they intruded on Iranian waters.

The latest dramatic developments coincided with the release in Baghdad of an Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Iraq in early February. Iran had blamed US forces in the country for the abduction.

Iranian state media also said that five Iranian officials captured by US forces in northern Iraq in January and accused of seeking to stir trouble were expected to receive their first visit by an Iranian diplomat.

Asked if the five Iranians should be freed to favor a possible release of the Britons, US President George W. Bush insisted there should be no "quid pro quos."

New still images were released Tuesday of the detained sailors and marines, showing them "relaxing" in tracksuits and playing chess, a change from the previous string of video "confessions."

The crisis has come at a perilous time for Iran's relations with the West, with the United States refusing to rule out military action over the Iranian nuclear program and the United Nations imposing tough new sanctions.

In a separate affair, local officials denied US reports that a missing former US FBI agency had disappeared while on a private visit to Iran's southern resort island of Kish, state media reported.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Adun BN Ijok meninggal dunia, SPR umum pilihan raya kecil

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Apr (Hrkh) - Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR dijangka akan membuat pengumuman tarikh pilihan raya kecil akibat kematian Anggota Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Adun Ijok, Dato' S. Sivalingam akibat sakit jantung di Chennai, India.

Harakahdaily difahamkan berdasarkan tarikh angkat sumpah anggota-anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor pada 22 April 2004, maka kematian Adun Ijok hari ini belum mencukupi tempoh tiga tahun beliau menjadi Adun.

Mengikut peruntukan undang-undang, sesebuah kawasan yang kematian wakil rakyatnya melepasi tempoh tiga tahun, maka pilihan raya kecil tidak perlu diadakan.

Pada Pilihan Raya Umum tahun 2004, Sivalingam mengekalkan kerusi Dun Ijok dengan memperolehi 5213 undi menewaskan calon Keadilan, Abdol Rahman Moharam yang mendapat 3564 undi serta calon bebas Mohamed Shariff Nagoorrani memperolehi 313 undi.

Sivalingam yang juga Pengerusi MIC Selangor menang dengan majoriti 1649 undi.

Berdasarkan statistik pilihan raya lepas Ijok mempunyai 12,404 pengundi yang terdiri daripada Melayu 50.63 peratus, India 28.28 peratus, Cina 20.85 peratus dan lain-lain 0.24 peratus. - mr

Kronologi Terbentuknya Sebuah Kerajaan Haram

By May 14, 1948, nearly 400,000 Palestinians had been uprooted from their towns and villages. Up till then, there were no Arab armies in Palestine. These armies only entered Palestine after months of sustained ethnic cleansing by the Zionist Militias "Haganah." Arab armies started to enter Palestine on May 15, 1948.

Palestinians were uprooted as a result of Zionist raids and terror tactics aiming to empty Palestine of its inhabitants, and to achieve, by military force, what the Zionist movement failed to achieve over 50 years of its existence

The events before the entry of Arab armies tell the story of the brave "war of independence" as proclaimed by Zionists. The claim of "poor, weak Israel" defending itself against 7 Arab armies is nothing but a farce.

14 January 1949
Haganah concludes arms deal with Czechoslovakia for $12,280,000 worth of arms including 24,500 rifles, 5,000 light machine guns, 200 medium machine guns, 54 million rounds of ammunition, 25 Meserschmitts. By end of Mandate at least 10,740 rifles, 1,200 machine guns, 26 field guns, and 11 million rounds of ammunition arrive in Palestine. Rest of arms arrive by end of May.

20 January
British administration announces that predominantly Jewish or Palestinian areas will be gradually handed over to local majority group in every area concerned.

Jewish National Fund leaders encourage evictions from villages of Haifa area. Haganah attacks villages near Lake al-Hula. Palmach attacks Negev Bedouin.

18 February
Haganah calls up men and women aged 25-35 for military service.

Transjordanian prime minister Tawfiq Abu al-Huda secretly meets British foreign secretary Bevin. They agree that Transjordanian forces will enter Palestine at end of Mandate but will restrict themselves to area of Arab state outlined in partition Plan.

6 March
Haganah declares general mobilization.

10 March
British House of Commons votes to end Mandate on 15 May. Plan Dalet finalized by Haganah. Plan provides for military conquest of area allotted by UN Partition Plan to Jewish state and of substantial Palestinian territories beyond this state's boundaries. Plan contains a series of interlocking operations.

30 March-15 May
Second coastal "clearing" operation carried out by Haganah Alexandroni brigade and other units. Attacks and expulsions drive out almost all Palestinian communities from coastal area from Haifa to Jaffa prior to British withdrawal.

1 April
Delivery of first consignment of Czech arms deal: Ship "Nora" arrives in Haifa from Yugoslavia with 4,500 rifles, 200 light machine guns, 5 million rounds of ammunition. Two hundred rifles, 400 machine guns and further ammunition ferried in by airplane. UN Security Council resolutions call for special session of General Assembly and agree to U.S. proposal for truce to be arranged through Jewish Agency and Arab Higher Committee.

4 April
Haganah launches Plan Dalet.

4-15 April
Haganah, Carmeli, Alexandroni, and Palmach units occupy villages in Marj ibn 'Amir.

6-15 April
Operation Nachshon: In first operation of Plan Dalet Haganah Giv'ati Brigade and other units capture villages along Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road from local Palestinian militia.

8 April
'Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, charismatic Palestinian militia commander, Jerusalem district, is killed leading counterattack to recover al-Qastal village.

9 April
IZL and Stern Gangs massacre some 250 inhabitants in village of Dayr Yasin near Jerusalem.

12 April
General Zionist Council decides to establish independent state in Palestine on 16 May.

13-20 April
Operation Har'el under Plan Dalet launched at conclusion of Operation Nachshon. Villages along Jerusalem road attacked and demolished. All subsequent Haganah operations until 15 May 1948 undertaken within framework of Plan Dalet.

15 April-25 May
Operation Yiftach: Palmach captures Safad from ALA and local militia (9-10 May). Attacks and psychological warfare used to empty villages of eastern Galilee and Galilee panhandle. Operation Matate (Broom) drives out Bedouin and villagers from area south of Rosh Pinna to Jordan River.

16-17 April
Haganah Golani brigade and Palmach units capture Tiberias as it is evacuated by British. Palestinian inhabitants flee.

21 April
Operation Misparayim: British forces suddenly withdraw from Haifa precipitating all-out Haganah dawn offensive against city's Palestinian population. Offensive accompanied by heavy mortar shelling of Palestinian residential quarters.

22 April
Resistance of local Palestinian militia in Haifa collapses. Haifa's Palestinian population flees under combined Haganah shelling and ground offensives.

25 April
IZL starts massive mortar shelling of Jaffa's residential quarters; simultaneously launches ground offensive to cut off northern Manshiyeh quarter from rest of city

26-30 April
Haganah Har'el and Etzioni brigades launch Operation Yevussi in and around Jerusalem; attack East Jerusalem residential quarter of Shaykh Jarrah but are forced to hand it over to British; capture West Jerusalem residential district of Qatamon from Palestinian irregulars. Flight of Palestinian inhabitants.

27 April-5 May
Operation Chametz: Haganah launches major ground offensive against eastern Jaffa suburbs and neighboring villages to cut off city from its hinterland. Some 50,000 civilians flee under combined IZL and Haganah attacks.

30 April
All Palestinian quarters in West Jerusalem occupied by Haganah and residents driven out.

1 May
The Zionists forces occupied and massacred more than 70 civilians from 'Ayn al-Zaytun (Safad).

3 May
175-200,000 Palestinian refugees reported to have fled from areas taken by Zionists

8-16 May
Haganah Har'el and Giv'ati brigades undertake Operation Makkabi. Capture villages on al-Ramla-Latrun road.

9 May-1 June
Operation Barak: Strikes by Haganah Giv'ati and Negev brigades south and West of al-Ramla.

10-15 May
Golani brigade occupies Baysan, attacks villages of Baysan Valley south of Lake Tiberias.

12-14 May
Arrival of second and third Czech arms consignments for Haganah: 5,000 rifles, 1,200 machine guns, 6 million rounds of ammunition.

13 May
Jaffa formally surrenders to Haganah.

13-21 May
Operation Ben-Ami: Carmeli brigade occupies Acre and coastal area north of city .

14 May
Haganah launches Operation Qilshon, occupying strategic areas in Jerusalem evacuated by British and taking Palestinian residential quarters outside Old City from Arab irregulars. Haganah launches Operation Schfifon to take Old City of Jerusalem. State of Israel proclaimed in Tel Aviv at 4:00 P.M.

Sumber: Koleksi email aku

Huston Plan

Pada July 14, 1970, President Nixon telah meluluskan satu rancangan yang dikenali sebagai Huston Plan yang bertujuan merangka satu gerakerja perisikan ke atas rakyat Negara Amerika yang disyakki cuba menentang dasar petadbiran Negara tersebut. [Rujuk: Shawcross, William. Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia. London: Horgarth Press, 1991. Hal 399].

H.R Haldeman, Ketua Kakitangan kepada President Nixon ketika itu menguraikan secara terperinci Huston Plan di dalam bukunya, The Haldeman Diaries. Beliau menulis;

…the Huston Plan, a program designed to integrate the entire source for domestic intelligence under some central control to eliminate duplication and infighting. This was generated by President complete dissatisfaction with the results of intelligence gathering and interpretation, particularly regarding the instigation and training for the wave of violent demonstrations. Tom Huston was middle – level staffer who assigned to coordinate and staff the work of the project. [Haldeman, H.R. The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House. New York: Berkley Books, 1995. Hal 206 – 207]

Tom Huston merupakan bekas pegawai perisikan tentera darat Amerika Syarikat, yang ditugaskan sebagai anggota White House Internal Security Committee, antara tugas beliau ialah berhubungan dengan pasukan polis berhubung dengan kegiatan demonstrasi anti perang yang sedang rancak ketika itu. [Shawcross, William. Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia. London: Horgarth Press, 1991. Hal 157]

Beliau telah diarahkan oleh President Nixon untuk merangka pelan bertindak termasuk perisikan dan peninjauan secara eletronik (electronic surveillances), membuka dan membaca dokumen dan surat – surat milik awam secara haram, dan meningkatkan pemantauan dan perninjauan ke atas kampus – kampus dan universiti awam AS oleh pihak perisikan tentera. [rujuk: ]

Unsur – unsur pemantauan pihak tentera ke atas awam di AS dilapurkan telah ujud sejak dari tahun 1967 lagi. Christopher H Pyle, dalam lapurannya kepada akhbar Washington Monthly bertarikh January 1970 sebagai berkata;

For the past four years, the US army has been closely watching political activity within the United States. Nearly 1,000 plainclothes investigators, working out of some 300 officers from coast to coast, keep track of political protest of all kind – from Klan rallies in North Carolina to antiwar speeches at Harvard.[Lihat: Peters, Charles, and Taylor Branch. Blowing the Whistle: Dissent in the Public Interest. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Hal 44]

Pyle, yang sebelum itu merupakan salah seorang pegawai perisikan yang terlibat menambah lagi;

To assure prompt communication of these reports, the Army distributes them aver a nationwide wire service. Completed in the fall of 1967, this teletype network gives every major troop command in the US daily and weekly reports on virtually all political protests occurring anywhere in the nation. [Peters & Branch, 1972: 45 – 45]

Untuk itu, pada April 1970, Tom Huston telah memujuk Haldeman, untuk mencadangkan kepada President Nixon bagi memanggil kesemua ketua – ketua badan perisikan di Amerika Syarikat bagi merangka satu program bersama bagi menjalankan operasi perisikan ke atas masyarakat awam di Negara tersebut. [Shawcross, 1991: 157]

Shawcross memperincikan pertemuan yang bersejarah itu (menurut kata Haldeman dalam bukunya – rujuk: Haldeman, 1995: 206] dalam tulisannya;

The session Huston had suggested took place on June 5. Nixon met with Hoover (Ketua pengarah FBI – Pen), CIA Director Richard Helms, Vice Admiral Noel Gaylor (Director of the National Security Agency), General Donald Bennett (Director of Defense Intelligence Agency), and Haldeman, Ehrlichman (Assistant to President Nixon for Domestic Affair. Lihat: Haldeman, 1995: xix) and Huston. [Shawcross, 1991: 158]

Menurut laman web, Cuma Hoover sahaja yang menentang rancangan ini, dan dengan bantuan Attorney General John Mitchell, beliau berjaya mempengaruhi President Nixon untuk membatalkan Huston Plan. [rujuk: ]

Wikipedia menambah;
As details of the Huston Plan unfolded during the Watergate Hearings, it came to be seen as a part and parcel of what AG Mitchell referred to as, "White House Horror". This would include the Plumbers Unit, the proposed fire – bombing of the Brookings Institute, the 1971 burglary of the office of the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg, the creation of a White House enemies list, and the use of the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to punish those deemed to be enemies.
[rujuk: ]

Walaupun Huston Plan dibatalkan pada tahun 1970, pada March 2, 1971, President Nixon telah mengarahkan pembantu – pembantunya untuk mendapatkan lebih maklumat perisikan mengenai gerakan para pelajar universiti yang selalu melancarkan demo anti peperangan ke atas pentadbirannya. Beliau juga amat kecewa dengan prestasi unit – unit perisikan domestic AS yang gagal memberitahu dan menyalurkan maklumat – maklumat penting kepadanya. [Haldeman, 1995: 305]

Huston Plan atau apa – apa juga bentuk kegiatan pengintipan ke atas warganegara sendiri telah mendapat banyak tentangan dari pihak masyarakat AS. Dennis Wise dan Thomas Ross dalam bukunya The Invisible Government telah melahirkan kebimbangan mereka ke atas aktiviti ini. Mereka menulis;

These unseen domestic activities of the CIA have become disturbingly complex and widespread… no outsider can tell whether this activity is necessary or even legal. No outsider is in a position to determine whether or not, these activities might become an internal danger to a free society. Both Congress ant the Executive ought to give urgent attention to this problem. [Wise, Dennis, and Thomas B Ross. The Invisible Government. New York: Vintage Books, 1974. Hal 357]

1. Shawcross, William. Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia. London: Horgarth Press, 1991
2. Haldeman, H.R. The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House. New York: Berkley Books, 1995
3. Peters, Charles, and Taylor Branch. Blowing the Whistle: Dissent in the Public Interest. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972
4. Wise, Dennis, and Thomas B Ross. The Invisible Government. New York: Vintage Books, 1974

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement

By: John King

What follows is an accurate chronology of United States involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war 1980-88. It is a powerful indictment of the president Bush administration attempt to sell war as a component of his war on terrorism. It reveals US ambitions in Iraq to be just another chapter in the attempt to regain a foothold in the Mideast following the fall of the Shah of Iran.
rming Iraq and the Path to War

Arming Iraq and the Path to War
A crisis always has a history, and the current crisis with Iraq is no exception. Below are some relevant dates.

September, 1980. Iraq invades Iran. The beginning of the Iraq-Iran war. [8]

February, 1982. Despite objections from congress, President Reagan removes Iraq from its list of known terrorist countries. [1]

December, 1982. Hughes Aircraft ships 60 Defender helicopters to Iraq. [9]

1982-1988. Defense Intelligence Agency provides detailed information for Iraq on Iranian deployments, tactical planning for battles, plans for air strikes and bomb damage assessments. [4]

November, 1983. A National Security Directive states that the U.S would do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq from losing its war with Iran. [1] & [15]

November, 1983. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy and its Branch in Atlanta begin to funnel $5 billion in unreported loans to Iraq. Iraq, with the blessing and official approval of the US government, purchased computer controlled machine tools, computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs. [14]

October, 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq. These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act. [16]

November 1983. George Schultz, the Secretary of State, is given intelligence reports showing that Iraqi troops are daily using chemical weapons against the Iranians. [1]

December 20, 1983. Donald Rumsfeld , then a civilian and now Defense Secretary, meets with Saddam Hussein to assure him of US friendship and materials support. [1] & [15]

July, 1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to calibrate its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops. [19]

January 14, 1984. State Department memo acknowledges United States shipment of "dual-use" export hardware and technology. Dual use items are civilian items such as heavy trucks, armored ambulances and communications gear as well as industrial technology that can have a military application. [2]

March, 1986. The United States with Great Britain block all Security Council resolutions condemning Iraq's use of chemical weapons, and on March 21 the US becomes the only country refusing to sign a Security Council statement condemning Iraq's use of these weapons. [10]

May, 1986. The US Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. [3]

May, 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons grade botulin poison to Iraq. [7]

March, 1987. President Reagan bows to the findings of the Tower Commission admitting the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for hostages. Oliver North uses the profits from the sale to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua. [17]
Late 1987. The Iraqi Air Force begins using chemical agents against Kurdish resistance forces in northern Iraq. [1]

February, 1988. Saddam Hussein begins the "Anfal" campaign against the Kurds of northern Iraq. The Iraq regime used chemical weapons against the Kurds killing over 100,000 civilians and destroying over 1,200 Kurdish villages. [8]

April, 1988. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of chemicals used in manufacture of mustard gas. [7]

August, 1988. Four major battles were fought from April to August 1988, in which the Iraqis massively and effectively used chemical weapons to defeat the Iranians. Nerve gas and blister agents such as mustard gas are used. By this time the US Defense Intelligence Agency is heavily involved with Saddam Hussein in battle plan assistance, intelligence gathering and post battle debriefing. In the last major battle with of the war, 65,000 Iranians are killed, many with poison gas. Use of chemical weapons in war is in violation of the Geneva accords of 1925. [6] & [13]

August, 1988. Iraq and Iran declare a cease fire. [8]

August, 1988. Five days after the cease fire Saddam Hussein sends his planes and helicopters to northern Iraq to begin massive chemical attacks against the Kurds. [8]

September, 1988. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons grade anthrax and botulinum to Iraq. [7]

September, 1988. Richard Murphy, Assistant Secretary of State: "The US-Iraqi relationship is... important to our long-term political and economic objectives." [15]

December, 1988. Dow chemical sells $1.5 million in pesticides to Iraq despite knowledge that these would be used in chemical weapons. [1]

July 25, 1990. US Ambassador to Baghdad meets with Hussein to assure him that President Bush "wanted better and deeper relations". Many believe this visit was a trap set for Hussein. A month later Hussein invaded Kuwait thinking the US would not respond. [12]

August, 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait. The precursor to the Gulf War. [8]

July, 1991 The Financial Times of London reveals that a Florida chemical company had produced and shipped cyanide to Iraq during the 80's using a special CIA courier. Cyanide was used extensively against the Iranians. [11]

August, 1991. Christopher Droguol of Atlanta's branch of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro is arrested for his role in supplying loans to Iraq for the purchase of military supplies. He is charged with 347 counts of felony. Droguol is found guilty, but US officials plead innocent of any knowledge of his crime. [14]

June, 1992. Ted Kopple of ABC Nightline reports: "It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush Sr., operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980's, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into [an aggressive power]." [5]

July, 1992. "The Bush administration deliberately, not inadvertently, helped to arm Iraq by allowing U.S. technology to be shipped to Iraqi military and to Iraqi defense factories... Throughout the course of the Bush administration, U.S. and foreign firms were granted export licenses to ship U.S. technology directly to Iraqi weapons facilities despite ample evidence showing that these factories were producing weapons." Representative Henry Gonzalez, Texas, testimony before the House. [18]

February, 1994. Senator Riegle from Michigan, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, testifies before the senate revealing large US shipments of dual-use biological and chemical agents to Iraq that may have been used against US troops in the Gulf War and probably was the cause of the illness known as Gulf War Syndrome. [7]

August, 2002. "The use of gas [during the Iran-Iraq war] on the battle field by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern... We were desperate to make sure that Iraq did not lose". Colonel Walter Lang, former senior US Defense Intelligence officer tells the New York Times. [4]

This chronology of the United States' sordid involvement in the arming of Iraq can be summarized in this way: The United States used methods both legal and illegal to help build Saddam's army into the most powerful army in the Mideast outside of Israel. The US supplied chemical and biological agents and technology to Iraq when it knew Iraq was using chemical weapons against the Iranians. The US supplied the materials and technology for these weapons of mass destruction to Iraq at a time when it was know that Saddam was using this technology to kill his Kurdish citizens. The United States supplied intelligence and battle planning information to Iraq when those battle plans included the use of cyanide, mustard gas and nerve agents. The United States blocked UN censure of Iraq's use of chemical weapons. The United States did not act alone in this effort. The Soviet Union was the largest weapons supplier, but England, France and Germany were also involved in the shipment of arms and technology.

[1] December 30, 2002
[2] Jonathan Broder. Nuclear times, Winter 1990-91
[3] Kurt Nimno. AlterNet. September 23, 2002
[4] August 29, 2002
[5] ABC Nightline. June9, 1992
[6] Counter Punch, October 10, 2002
[7] Riegle Report: Dual Use Exports. Senate Committee on Banking. May 25, 1994
[8] Timeline: A walk Through Iraq's History. U.S. Department of State
[9] Doing Business: The Arming of Iraq. Daniel Robichear
[10] Glen Rangwala. Labor Left Briefing, 16 September, 2002
[11] Financial Times of London. July 3, 1991
[12] Elson E. Boles. Counter Punch. October 10, 2002
[13] Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988.
[14] Columbia Journalism Review. March/April 1993. Iraqgate
[15] Times Online. December 31, 2002. How U.S. Helped Iraq Build Deadly Arsenal
[16] Bush's Secret Mission. The New Yorker Magazine. November 2, 1992
[17] Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: Iran-Contra Affair
[18] Congressional Record. July 27, 1992. Representative Henry B. Gonzalez
[19] Bob Woodward. CIA Aiding Iraq in Gulf War. Washington Post. 15 December, 1986
[20] Case Study: The Anfal Campaign.


10 Top Idiots of the Year 2006

Imam Badi Ali of Greensboro, North Carolina says that 2006 was the year of the IDIOT. New Trend defines an idiot politically as a person who does not know that he/she is being used, is ego oriented and forcefully carries out a hidden political agenda, thus falling prey to the actual forces at work in the political arena.New Trend has come up with the following IDIOTS of the year 2006 after consulting and searching far and wide for people who would fit into our definition of the IDIOT. Here are the top 10:

1. Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen] the President of the Palestinian Authority who is a toy in the hands of the Israelis and his western backers. He started thinking that he is really the President of Palestine!

2. King Abdallah of Jordan. He plays America's game without realizing that for America he is no more than a playboy who fulfils the current agenda of the imperialist powers. Poor fellow! He sometimes starts believing that he, really, is the King and a Hashemite to boot!

3. General Musharraf, "President" of Pakistan: He struts and frets on the Pakistani stage, selling his country's secrets, his religion, his army, his people, and all who trusted him. America keeps "upping the ante:" Bomb this village, arrest that Muslim, kill so-and-so [Bugti for instance], torture the Muslim who came from UK. Musharraf jumps and obeys. Perhaps somewhere in the back of his mind he realizes that he is being used: When America has had enough of him, he will be thrown out like a rat!

4. Hosni Mubarak, the tyrant of Egypt. Hosni has built barricades of human bodies around himself: those his secret police has killed, those his expert torturers have broken and maimed, those who fill his prisons on suspicion of being "Islamic fundamentalists. " He wants to forget that his existence is based on the billion dollar annual bonus his boss in the White House gives him. Hosni starts pretending that he in fact is the Pharoah and has the power of life and death. He wants to to pretend that the CIA, FBI and Mossad agents protecting him are not there and that he is an independent ruler!

5. Karzai, the ruler of Kabul. This one is really pathetic. The Americans built him up as the 'democratic" ruler of "democratic" Afghanistan. He was so pumped up that he forgot not only Islam but the traditions and honor of the Pushtun people. He puts on his fancy dress and comes to Washington and Ottawa to be cheered by the White Master. The Taliban are waiting to string him up.

6. Britain's Blair, Bush's "boyfriend" [some call him] or " Bush's poodle" as his own people call him. He lives in a fantasy world where he thinks he can make Muslims fight each other [in the name of fighting "extremists" ]. A dupe of the Zionists, he thinks he can fool Palestinians into recognition of "Israel.'

7. Amre Moussa, the clown of Egypt. He helped Hosni crush Gamaa al-Islamiyya, sent his troops into mosques and homes and undermined Egypt's Islamic will. He has been promoted to be in charge of the Arab League, where he sits around talking at length about the future of the Arab nations. Little does he realize that he is no more than a pawn of the western powers.

8. "Imam" W.D. Muhammad represents America on this list. The White House used him to neutralize African-American Muslims and to put them into the service of U.S. plans to generate an "American Islam." The community could not be mobilized to free Imam Jamil al-Amin and to confront Zionist tyranny owing to his foolishness. W.D.'s followers became a little cult which claimed that their leader was the "man of the Millenium. The "imam" is proud of his connection to the State department which has been sending out W.D.-types all over the Muslim world to teach the toothless new "American islam" thought out by the Rand Corporation.

9. Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the UN. It took him 8 years to realize that he was not important and had been used by the western powers. [His Jewish-Swedish wife was his ticket to promotion.] Only at the very end, he started uncovering the role his masters played in Iraq and want to carry on in Iran. It was too late. He looked foolish.

10. Donald Rumsfeld, America's warlord and attack dog in Iraq, had delusions of grandeur. He thought he would set up a new system in Iraq where U.S. military might would be decisive in all matters. He called the resistance "dead enders" and "ba'athist leftovers." Only too late, he found that an uprising of the people of Iraq was taking place led by revolutionary Islamic forces. As thousands of martyrdom operators ["suiciders" ] week after week and month after month slammed into U.S. armored columns and recruiting centers of Iraqi collaborators, "Rummy's" dreams went up in smoke. Too late, he realized that his ego had blinded him. The real agents behind the Iraq war, the Zionist Jews like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Lieberman, Kristol, Krauthammer, Kissinger, prospered, and some were even promoted. "Rummy" was dumped

New Trend Magazine.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Para penyelidik di Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) dengan menggunakan mikroskop elektron berkuasa tinggi telah menemui bahawa liang rongga lubang pada kondom yang diperbuat daripada latex mempunyai kecacatan yang tinggi iaitu lubang rongga ini mempunyai saiz garispusat 70 mikron (1000 mikron = 1 mm). Saiz lubang ini adalah 700 kali lebih besar dari saiz virus HIV. Malah menurut mereka adakalanya liang rongga pada kondom ini pada masa tertentu boleh ditembusi oleh sperma yang terdapat dalam air mani.
Menurut Dr. Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., terdapat bukti klinikal yang menunjukkan bahawa kadar infeksi chlamydial yang berlaku kepada mereka yang menggunakan kondom adalah sama dengan mereka yang tidak menggunakan kondom. Kesimpulannya ialah kondom gagal untuk melindungi wanita daripada trachomatis chlamydia sejenis penyakit yang sering dijangkiti di Amerika Syarikat yang disebabkan oleh bakteria jangkitan seks.

Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Hawari dalam seminar tentang HIV/AIDS di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia menyatakan konsentrasi virus HIV/AIDS banyak terdapat pada cairan liang senggama, sperma dan darah.
Kajian telah membuktikan penyakit AIDS disebabkan 95,7% melalui perzinaan dan pelacuran termasuk perilaku seks bebas dan homoseksual.
Katanya lagi "Untuk menghindari tersebarnya virus HIV/AIDS, hendaklah dijauhi perbuatan yang mengarah kepada perzinaan, seperti pornografi (filem atau gambar lucah dan mengghairahkan), pelacuran, homoseksual dan seks bebas, ditambah lagi penggunaan NAZA (Narkotik, Alkohol dan Zat Adiktif)".
Pemakaian kondom menurutnya, tidak 100% selamat, ianya hanya mengurangkan risiko penularan AIDS/HIV sebanyak 30%.
Hal ini disebabkan material kondom mengandungi beberapa kelemahan seperti:
1. Bahan kondom terbuat dari karet (latex) yang merupakan senyawa hidrokarbon dengan polimerisasi; yang bererti berserat dan berpori bagaikan tenunan kain.
2. Pori-pori kondom dan virus HIV/AIDS hanya dapat dilihat melalui elektron mikroskop.
3. Sperma dapat dilihat dengan mikroskop biasa, sedangkan virus HIV/AIDS hanya boleh dilihat dengan elektron mikroskop.

Kadar kegagalan penggunaan kondom dalam mengawal kehamilan mencapai 20%. Di Indonesia
setiap tahun terdapat 3,5 juta kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, dimana 60% diantaranya minta digugurkan.
Sekiranya penggunaan kondom untuk mengawal kehamilan tidak 100% selamat, apalagi untuk mencegah penularan HIV/AIDS.

AIDS adalah sejenis penyakit yang tiada penawarnya pada ketika ini. AIDS adalah penyakit yang membawa maut, dimana pesakit akan menderita lama sebelum kematian.
HIV ialah nama virus yang menyebabkan penyakit AIDS.
Seseorang yang membawa virus HIV didalam badannya adakalanya boleh hidup selama 15 tahun atau lebih tanpa menunjukkan kesan penyakit AIDS pada dirinya. Dan ada pula yang dijangkiti virus HIV dalam masa beberapa bulan sahaja dijangkiti AIDS.
Tetapi mereka ini boleh menyebarkan virus HIV ini kepada orang lain melalui hubungan seks, pendermaan darah atau darah ketika kemalangan kepada orang lain yang tidak berdosa.
Kadar jangkitan HIV/AIDS untuk wanita adalah lebih tinggi sekiranya teman mereka menghidap HIV/AIDS

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut sila layari

Pelbagai acara warnai sambutan Maulidur Rasul PAS Gombak

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Mac (Hrkh) – Dengan bersepandukkan 'Sunnah Rasulullah Ikutan Kami' PAS Gombak bersama lebih 200 peserta mengadakan perarakan Maulidur Rasul di persekitaran Pinggiran Batu Caves, Selangor, dekat sini, hari ini.

Perarakan tersebut yang turut dihadiri Yang Dipertua PAS Gombak, Dr Hatta Ramli dan beberapa pimpinan lain termasuk ketua penerangannya, Saari Sungib bermula dari Flat Cempaka, Kampung Wira Damai.

Sambil berselawat peserta berarak lebih kurang dua kilometer melalui beberapa kawasan perumahan sebelum menuju ke majlis maulid yang diadakan di padang awam Pinggiran Batu Caves.

Dr Hatta yang berucap di majlis berkenaan berkata, sambutan maulid diadakan bagi menunjukkan rasa cinta dan hormat kepada Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang diputerakan pada 12 tahun gajah.
“Sambutan pada hari ini sebagai menambah komitmen kita terhadap agama dan perjuangan yang diturunkan oleh Allah SWT melalui Junjungan Besar s.a.w.
“Jadi kita berhimpun pada pagi ini dengan mengadakan perarakan aman bagi mengajak umat Islam perteguhkan lagi komitmen terhadap agama kita,” katanya.
Katanya, tarikh 12 Rabiulawal memberi peringatan kepada semua bahawa ia tarikh lahir baginda dan katanya bermulalah era kehidupan Rasulullah sehingga akhirnya diangkat kepada Rasul yang bertujuan membawa rahmat kepada sekian alam ini.
Kedatangan Rasulullah s.a.w. katanya, untuk menyempurnakan akhlak manusia.
Oleh itu katanya, bagi mengisi tanggungjawab sebagai khalifah di muka bumi, sambutan maulid juga adalah sebahagian daripada ikhtiar untuk menegakkan syiar dan peraturan Allah SWT.

“Kita berarak pada hari ini untuk mengingat kembali peristiwa kelahiran baginda.
“Bagaimanapun selepas ini kita kena kembali kepada norma-norma kehidupan baginda kerana kita tidak mahu menjadi orang yang hanya mengingat tarikh lahirnya saja.
“Yang penting ialah meneruskan kerja-kerja yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi memakmurkan dunia ini serta menegakkan agama Allah,” katanya lagi.
Katanya, jangan jadi acara maulid sebagai pesta setahun sekali kerana beliau tidak mahu dilihat sebagai tidak lebih daripada retorik dan tontonan umum.
Ini katanya, ia sebenarnya sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menyedarkan umat manusia mengenai kehadiran agama Islam yang perlu dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan.
Islam juga katanya merupakan sebuah pergerakan yang membawa perubahan dan kemajuan kepada umat manusia.

Namun katanya, kemajuan tidak akan wujud melainkan dengan ikhtiar dan usaha melalui perancangan tertib dan kesungguhan.
“Sebab itulah kita sebagai manusia diwajibkan beroganisasi bagi mencapai objektif tersebut kerana bergerak secara individual pastinya tidak akan dapat menyambungkan kekuatan yang ada pada seseorang.
Malah katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w. sendiri menggabungkan jemaahnya sehingga terbentuk sebuah negara Madinah.
Atas sebab itu juga katanya, PAS mengambil pengajaran itu untuk dilaksana dalam seluruh kehidupan umat Islam.
Sementara itu sambutan maulid tersebut turut diisikan dengan beberapa acara antaranya, pemeriksaan kesihatan, pertunjukkan silat, taekwando, dikir barat, persembahan nasyid dan semakan daftar pemilih pilihan raya

Tsunami hits Solomons; 8 reported dead

By EVAN WASUKA, Associated Press Writer

HONIARA, Solomon Islands - A powerful undersea earthquake Monday in the South Pacific sent a tsunami several yards high crashing into the Solomon Islands, devastating at least one village, officials and residents said.

Police and residents said a wave about 10 feet high struck the western town of Gizo, inundating buildings and causing widespread destruction. A man who answered the telephone at the Gizo police station said there were initial reports that eight people, six of them children, had been killed by the tsunami but they were still unconfirmed. The phone cut out abruptly before the man gave his name.

Gizo resident Judith Kennedy said water "right up to your head" swept through the town.
"All the houses near the sea were flattened," she told The Associated Press by telephone. "The downtown area is a very big mess from the tsunami and the earthquake," she added. "A lot of houses have collapsed. The whole town is still shaking" from aftershocks.
U.S. Geological Survey' said the quake measured magnitude-8.0 and struck at 7:39 a.m. about 6 miles beneath the sea floor, 217 miles northwest of the capital, Honiara.

The Pacific region from Australia to Hawaii went on high alert for several hours after the quake struck between the islands of Bougainville and New Georgia, though officials canceled a region-wide tsunami warning after the danger period passed.

Gizo, a regional center, is just 25 miles from the earthquake's epicenter.

Another witness in the town, dive shop owner Danny Kennedy, estimated the height of the wave at 10 feet.
"I'm driving down the street — there are boats in the middle of the road, buildings have completely collapsed and fallen down," he said in a telephone interview.

"We're just trying to mobilize water and food, and shelter for people at the moment because ... in the town alone there's going to be between 2,000-3,000 homeless. It's not a very good scene at the moment."
Harry Wickham, who owns a waterfront hotel in Gizo, said the damage was widespread.

"The waves came up probably about 10 feet and swept through town," he told Australia's Nine Network television by telephone. "There's a lot of water damage and a lot of debris floating around," he added.
"Ten feet of water washing through town — you can imagine what damage it has done here."

Julian McLeod of the Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office said there were unconfirmed reports that two villages in the country's far west were flooded.

"Two villages were reported to have been completely inundated," McLeod told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio. "We have received reports of four people missing."

A town in the west, Munda, was believed to be badly damaged, officials and the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp. said, but communications were difficult and details were not confirmed.
The Hawaii-based Pacific
Tsunami' Warning Center reported the quake at magnitude 8.1, and said a temblor of that strength could cause a destructive tsunami and issued a warning bulletin for the Solomon Islands and neighboring Papua New Guinea.
It ordered a lower-level "tsunami watch" for other places, including most South Pacific countries, but later canceled the alert. The center said a 6-inch wave had been reported in Honiara.

Police Sgt. Godfrey Abiah said in Honiara that police in Gizo had received warning about a possible tsunami and were helping people leave the town for higher ground when the wave hit.

"We have lost radio contact with the two police stations down there and we're not getting any clear picture from down there," he told The Associated Press by telephone.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Deli Oso, said the quake was felt in Honiara but there were no reports of any damage

Mark Pissone of Cassaholm Confidential FC Diary (Part 5)

 October 22, 2013 - The Goalless Tango, Oldkamps Outlaw Standoff, and Dr. Cassa's Cryptic Satisfaction! Dear Diary, In the ever-unpredic...