Thursday, July 28, 2005

Keupayaan Perisikan Negara China


China’s top leadership in 1992 ordered its intelligence force to increased espionage and counterespionage efforts, apparently targeting the United States for economic, science and technology information which could directly help build China’s economy…[i]

“Every once in awhile, theirs is an espionage coup in which (they) will obtain something from inside the U.S.”
- Congressman Chris Cox [ii]

In June, a warning from Britain’s National Infrastructure Security Coordination Center claimed a series of Trojan – laden emails were targeting UK government and companies in a attempt to swipe information. The Advisory from NISCC indicated the attacks were generated in the Far East (China).[iii]

“I believe firmly that the China is using tools like Myfip to conduct industrial espionage on the US and other industrial countries that have mature data networks.”
- Marcus Sachs, SRI International [iv]

Cyberspace is becoming a new battleground for the United States and China, amid growing concerns about Chinese industrial espionage through various types of computer worms… at least one Trojan horse program used to steal files from infected computers has been traced to servers in China…[v]

Taiwan’s military intelligence chief said … Chinese communications satellite launched earlier in the day “poses no immediate threat” to national security. [vi]

Ho Lee was indicted for allegedly transferring data on the nation’s newest nuclear weapons to unsecured computers. The physicist, who has pleaded not guilty, is accused of being a spy for China. [vii]

pihak China juga giat menjalankan operasi pengintipannya ke atas AS. Salah seorang perisiknya yang dikenalpasti ialah John Huang, berjawatan tinggi di Jabatan Perdagangan AS. [viii]

tiga juruteknik yang berkhidmat di CIST Institute milik tentera Taiwan didapati bersalah kerana merisik bagi pihak China. [ix]

Cox Commission uncovered a much broader espionage campaign. The commission’s report concludes that China has mounted widespread effort to obtain US technology by any means—legal or illegal. Chinese spies working in US nuclear weapon laboratories have obtained information on all current US nuclear missile warheads, neutron bomb, and advanced military technology like radio – frequency weapons and radar satellites. China also has obtained information to improved its missile force from US satellite manufacturers and systematically tries to obtain military useful technology from civilian business ventures – involving more than 3,000 front companies inside the United States…[x]
The Communist Party Central Committee controls the main Ministry of State Security (MSS), a Ministry of Public Security, the People’s Liberation Army’s Central Security Regiment (8341 Unit), a Second Military Department (military intelligence), and a Third Military Department (counterintelligence). The Chinese News Agency (Xinhua) is an intelligence agency, and so is the China Association for International Friendly Contacts. [xi]

According to (Taiwan) National Security Council (NSC) official, …an increasing number of Chinese spies … have entered Taiwan to develop their organizations and activities on the island… [xii]

Australian has granted a permanent protection visa to former Chinese diplomat (Chen Yonglin) who sought asylum with claim that China has vast network of spies in Australia. [xiii]

End Note
[i] China’s leaders ordered stepped – up espionage in 1992. Asian Political News. May 31, 1999
[ii] Ibid
[iii] Utter, David. Espionage Not Just for Spies Anymore. Webpronews. 25 July 2005. 27 July 2005
[iv] Ibid
[v] Experts warn of Chinese cyberattack used for industrial secrets. Yahoo News. 24 July 2005.
[vi] Taiwan spy chief says China satellite launch no threat. Asians Political News. Jan 31, 2000.
[vii] Vilar, Miguel. Spy Tech. Science World. March 20, 2000. Aso, see; Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 3) July 20, 2005.
[viii] Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 2). July 18, 2005.
[ix] Wahab, Zaharin Abd. Perisik – Pelengkap Sesuatu Operasi (Part 3). July 20, 2005.
[x] Fisher, Jr., Richard D. Time to heed the Cox Commission’s Wake – Up Call. The Heritages Foundation. June 3, 1999.
[xi] Intelligence Collection. Internet source.
[xii] Wang, Flor. Coordination Needs to Crack Down on Chinese Spies: Official. ROC Central News Agency. July 23, 2005.
[xiii] Mercer, Phil. Australian Grants Protection Visa to Chinese Diplomat. Voice of America. July 8, 2005.

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