I read voraciously, from early morning till late at night.
- V I Lenin
Huhhh puehh menaipnya.... Janji hati pueh.
- Wells, H G. A Short History of the World. Middlesex: Pelican Books, 1936.
- Trevelyan, G M. A Shortered History of England. Middlesex: Pelican Books, 1959
- Taylor, A J P. English History 1914 - 1945. Middlesex: Pelican Books, 1970
- Caroz, Yaacov. The Arab Secret Services. London: Corgi Books, 1978
- A Ghani, Dr. M Ilyas. Sejarah Mekah Dulu dan Kini. Trans. A R Mesyhadi. Madinah: Al Rasheed Printers, 2003
- Kinder, H, and W. Hilgemann. Atlas of World History. Vol. II. Trans. E A Menze. London: Penguin Books, 1978
- Eisenberg, Dennis, et al. The Mossad: Inside Stories. New York: Signet, 1979
- Colonel Q K Eng. Chair Ed. Pointer. Vol. 13 No. 3, July 1987
- Witgang, Herbert. Selected Writings of Abraham Lincoln. New York: Bantam Books, 1992
- Hornby, A S, and E C Parnwell. The Progressive English Dictionary. London: Oxford UP, 1952
- Glover T R. The Ancient World. London: Pelican Books, 1944
- Litfullah, Drs. Walid. Wanita Muslimah dan Cara Mengatasi Budaya Barat. K Lumpur: Pustaka al Mizan, 1989
- Horowitz, Sidney. Basic Facts of World History. New York: Collier Books, 1963
- de Burgh, W G. The Legacy of the Ancient World. London: Pelican Books, 1953
- Stein, Jeff. The Vietnam Fact Books. New York: Dell Books, 1987
- Lenin, V I. Marx Engels Marxism. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1951
- Taylor, A J P. Europe: Grandeur & Decline. London: Pelican Books, 1967
- al Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin. Praktek Shalat Nabi. Jakarta: Minaret, 1988
- Hart, Michael.The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. London: Simon & Schuster, 1993
- Hoyt, Edwin P. Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict. London: Arrow Books, 1989
- Iwaichi, Lt General Fujiwara. F Kikan. Hong Kong: Heinemann Asia, 1983
- Armstrong, Karen. Holy War: The Crusade & Their Impact on Today's World. New York: Doubleday, 1991
- Palgrave, Francis T. The Golden Treasury. London: Macmillan & Co., 1962
- Koch, H W. Ed. The Origin of The First World War. London: Macmillan & Co., 1972
- Speer, Albert. Inside The Third Reich. Trans. Richard Winston et al. London: Sphere Books, 1971
- Plato. The Republic. Trans. H D P Lee. Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1959
- Hoy, Claire, and Victor Ostrovsky. By Way of Deception. London: Arrow Books, 1991
- Steven, Stewert. The Spymasters of Israel. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989
- Pyle, Richard. Schwarzkopf: The Man, The Mission, The Triumph. London: Mandarin, 1991
- Taylor, A J P. The Origin of the Second World War. 2 Ed. New York: Fawcett Premier, 1961
- Institute of Marxism - Leninism. V I Lenin: A Short Biography. 6th Ed. Trans. B Isaacs. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1968
- McLeod, William. Man. Ed. The Collins Paperback Thesaurus. London: Collins, 1986
Huhhh puehh menaipnya.... Janji hati pueh.
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