Friday, April 18, 2008

Kutipan dari pembacaanku

Percaya atau tidak, bekas Setiausaha Negara US, Collin Powell pernah bertindak sebagai penggerak Kerajaan US dalam menyokong golongan Contra menentang puak Sandinista di Nicaragua, petikan dalam buku beliau, My American Journey;
Working with Jose Sorzano and two White House legislative aide, Dave Addington and Alan Kranowitz, I became the chief administrative advocate, trying to win enough congressional support to keep contras afloat. [1]

Apa dia Reign of Charlemagne (768 – 814)
Greatest ruler of Western Europe during the Dark Ages; reunited much of western Europe; brief period of peace and cultural revival. [2]

Ketika membaca buku karya Alvin Toffler yang bertajuk Future Shock: The Third Wave aku tertarik akan salah satu tulisannya yang berbunyi:
… our demands on the planet are escalating wildly. As result the biosphere is sending us alarm signals – pollution, desertification, sign of toxification in the oceans, subtle shift in climate – that we ignore at the risk of catastrophe. [3]

Bercerita tentang teknologi, elok aku perturunkan salah satu tulisan yang aku baca dari buku The Last Mile tulisan Jason Wolf dan Natalie Zee, tulis mereka;
Of all the broadband technologies that are competing with one another, wireless is my favorite. The Technology is simple: Hook a cell-phone type device in your computer, place a call to your Internet Service Provider (ISP), and you are connected to the Internet from anywhere. Beside ability to roam and still be connected, you also won’t have to deal with ugly wires everywhere. [4]

Cerita tentang politik gak best…. Maklumlah lepas – lepas PRU12 ni…

Pengundi luar, ugutan samseng, salahguna media massa oleh parti pemerintah bagi menakutkan pengundi dan sebagainya – semua ini menghancurkan dan mereputkan system demokrasi di Malaysia. [5]

As Malaysia, I am truly fed up with all this back – stabbing and bickering in Umno. There are greater issues that need to be address. They should focus on running the country instead of wasting time jockeying for power…[6]

End Note
[1] Powell, Collin, and Joseph E Persico. My American Journey. New York: Ballantine Books, 2003. Hal. 328
[2] Horowitz, Sidney, PhD. World History. New York: Collier Books, 1963. Hal. 13
[3] Toffler, Alvin. The Third Wave. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Hal. 235
[4] Wolf, Jason, and Natalie Zee. The Last Mile: Broadband and the Next Internet Revolution. New York: McGraw – Hill, 2001. Hal. 28
[5] Rasiah, Mohanarani. Skandal Pengundi Hantu di Sungai Siput. Ipoh, Perak: Alaigal, 2004. Hal. 37
[6] New Straits Times, April 17, 2008. Hal.1

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