Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Problems for new US Embassy at Husebye site

Kerajaan Norway terpaksa memberhentikan projek pembinaan pejabat Kedutaan US di suatu kawasan kerana di tapak itu terdapat kawasan pra - sejarah. Berita di petik dari

The Office of Historic Monuments may stop the plans for building a new US embassy at Huseby in the western part of Oslo, after archaeologists have discovered Iron Age settlement on the site, including hearths and remnants of house foundations.

The find includes hearths and remnants of house foundations, says Nils Anker, information officer at the Office of Historic Monuments.

- What we have found probably dates back to the Iron Age, or from around 500 years before Christ to around 500 years A.D.

The Museum of Cutural History at the University of Oslo will now date the finds and the US Embassy may need an exemption in order to obtain a building permit.

The US wants to move its embassy out of downtown Oslo, for security reasons.

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